Introduction: ESP8266 With Parallax Serial RFID Reader (PN 28140)

This simple guide will allow you to interface a Parallax Serial RFID reader with an ESP8266 !


What I used:

Parallax Serial RFID Reader (PN 28140) (Buy it from Parallax)

Parallax Serial RFID Reader WITH sample RFID Cards (PN 32390) (Buy it from Parallax)

NodeMCU ESP8266 1.0 (12-E) (Buy it on Amazon)

Level Shifter (3.3v <--> 5v) Cylewet 2 channel (Buy it on Amazon)

The other materials are common (wires, breadboard,led, etc...)

Step 1: Step 1: Connect the Components!

Wiring should be as follows:
[ESP8266-D2]----[Level Shifter - Low Voltage side - RX0]

[Level Shifter - High Voltage side - RX1]---[SOUT PIN on the RFID Reader]

[ESP8266-D1]----[ENABLE PIN on the RFID Reader] (note - it does not need to go to the level shifter)

Connect GND from the ESP8266 to BOTH sides of the level shifter and the RFID reader.

Connect ESP8266 +3.3VDC to the LV of the level shifter.

Connect ESP8266 +5 VDC (Vin if using USB) to the HV of the level shifter.eed to go to the level shifter)

Step 2: Code

Go grab the code from below and load it up!