Introduction: Easy Bloody Candle Hack!
In this project, we will be making bloody candles! This is the easiest way to do it. (It'd really simple) Enjoy!
Step 1: Materials
Ok, For this project you will need:
1.) A candle of your choice.
2.) A small red candle.
2.) Matches and a matchbox
3.) A few paper towels
Step 2: Lighting the Red Candle
First thing to do is to put the candle you chose on a paper towel. Then light the red candle.
Step 3: Creating the Blood
Next, your going to tilt the red candle over the edge of the candle of your choice. Then some of the blood (the wax) should drip. Make sure the "blood" drips on the candle, but it runs down the side. (Be careful)
Step 4: Continue
Then you just going to continue to do step 3 until the candle is complete.
Step 5: Done
There we go. Were done. Simple right? I hope you enjoyed this Instructable. There is also a video for this (not made by me) Check it out. Thanks for reading this. This was not meant to be perfect.