Introduction: Easy Build Clamp Rack

About: Retired Boat builder,CNC programmer,Process Engineer

How to make a simple clamp rack.

When you have a small shop like mine we have to use every bit of wall space available so I built this simple clamp rack behind my Drill Station. I make a horizontal clamp rack by cutting down a 2x4 and drilling 1/2 inch holes at an angle to except 4 x 1/2 inch dowels spaced at 2.5 inches, i used a dowel jig to cut the dowel to size and then hammered the dowel into the holes without any glue then screwed them to the wall of my workshop.

Step 1: Making the Dowel Cutting Jig

I made the jig out of a piece of scrap wood making repeated passes on my table saw

Step 2: Cutting the Dowels to Lenght

Using a sled I set the jig to 4 inches and clamped it on then raised the saw blade to the correct hight approx 1/2 above the sled.

Insert the dowel length into the jig and push it through to the end i used my finger as a stop

I cut 24 dowels at 4 inches in length

Step 3:

I used my drill press with the table set ant an angle and i had to pivot the drill to the right yo clear my workbench.

Place two pieces of wood either side of the rail to be drilled for support.

Step 4: Assembling the Rack

Tap the dowels in with a mallet in both rails and screw the finished rails to the wall making sure that thy are parallel.

Step 5: Finished Rack

I screwed the rack up as high as possible to keep the workbench clear.

for a more comprehensive view of the build please click on the video below.