Introduction: Easy Dehydrated Mushrooms

About: Teacher, tutor, trainer, author, and creative person; if I can do it or make it myself, I will! Jewelry & websites at Oh, and I did an "instructable" on TV once, on …
Once I came across a sale on portabello mushrooms, which I love and use a lot. I knew they wouldn't last long, so I decided to dehydrate them.

Dehydrated mushrooms have many uses: in stews, soups, and other dishes, or as a great way to carry food on a backpacking trip. Here is an easy way to make them if you have a dehydrator. If you don't have one, I highly recommend getting one! I got mine used from Craigslist.
  1. Clean the mushrooms. Do so with a brush, ideally.
  2. Slice the mushrooms.
  3. Place slices on dehydrator tray.
  4. Dehydrate on low heat (below 115 degrees, preferably, for maximum retained nutrient value) for up to 8 hours - that's how long mine took. Mushrooms that aren't as thick as portabellos will need shorter times, so be sure to check. They should be light and dry when they are done.
  5. Store in an airtight container. I use glass because it's moth-proof and, well, not plastic.
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