Introduction: Easy Eyeball Doughnuts
This year for Halloween I wanted to do something that was really simple. As well as something parents can easily do with their kids. So this year I decided to do something where all the ingredients are easily obtained at your local Walmart so anyone can do this.
- 1 box cake mix (I used a Halloween funfetti mix)
- 2 cups cinnamon applesauce
- 1 container of frosting (I used a black Halloween frosting)
- Food dye (I chose orange to match the black frosting)
- Black cookie Icing
- White cookie Icing
- Extra sprinkles (optional)
Step 1: Mixing Ingredients
- Place the box of cake mix into a medium bowl.
- Measure out 2 cups of apple sauce (mine is homemade so it's a bit chunkier then store bought)
- Pour the apple sauce into the cake mix and add a small amount of orange food dye (the orange dye is only needed if the cake mix is yellow or white.)
- Mix till all ingredients are combined (Don't overmix as it will turn out rubbery)
Step 2: Piping Bag
- Take a large ziplock bag and a tall glass
- You are going to place your hand in the bag and put the bag inside the cup
- This will make it easier to put your dough in the bag
- Slowly place the batter in the bag.
- You will not have enough room to put it all in there so save the rest for when you use up what you have
- Take you bag out of the glass and tightly turn the bag around at the top so the batter will flow better when you pipe it out
Step 3: Piping
- Take your doughnut pan and spray with cooking spray (I do this even though my pan is silicone. I have better luck with them coming out of the tray perfectly.)
- Take some scissors and cut the tip of the bag (start out small as you can always cut more off)
- Pipe your batter into the pan so it comes to the top.
- Heat your oven to 425°F and place the pan in your oven (I use a metal sheet pan so the silicone doesn't warp while cooking.
- Bake for 7 - 8 minutes
- When the time is up take a toothpick and poke the doughnut. If the toothpick comes out clean they are done
- Set these aside to let them fully cool about 1 hour
Step 4: Eyeballs
- Take your white cookie icing and start to make small and large filled in circles
- Once you have a decent amount take your black icing and start to put on the pupil
- Use a toothpick to help you as I found they whip up so the toothpick helps you make it lay flat.
- Once you have that done you can make other spooky decorations for your doughnuts as well.
- These are going to need to dry out because we need them to be hard when we put them on the doughnuts. You can do this by waiting at least 6 hours or you can set your oven to the lowest setting. Once the temperature is reached turn off your oven and place them on a cookie sheet in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
Step 5: Icing
- Take a few scoops of your frosting and put it in a microwave safe bowl
- Microwave at 10 second intervals, stirring between each 10 seconds till it runs smooth.
- Dip your doughnut into the frosting and pull it out and put it on some parchment paper.
- You will need to let the frosting solidify for at least a half an hour before you decorate them otherwise the eyes will run down the side.
Step 6: Decorating
- Once the icing is hard start to place your eyes on the doughnut
- There is no right way to decorate so just have fun
- If you made any other decorations place them on the doughnuts as well.