Introduction: Easy Glitter Earrings
These glitter earrings are honestly so easy to make and cost very little-just a bit of glitter! :-) They are super light and supper sparkly!
See full instructions below or simply watch a video!
Step 1: What You Will Need
A sheet of acetate (I'm using 250 micron)
scissors/shape cutters
sand paper/sanding block-medium grade
single hole punch/a drill
PVA glue/Mod Podge- or both
(Then you also need to mix a "wash" to brush over the glitter to fix it in place and you just mix 1 part of water with 1 part of PVA/ Mod Podge - just to give it a watery consistency)
Jump rings
earring hooks/ posts and backs
round nose pliers/ chain/bend nose pliers to attach the findings
Step 2: Cut and Sand
Cut some shapes out of your acetate sheet using shape cutters or scissors.
File one side with a sand paper/nail file/sanding block (This will help the glue to stick better to the plastic)
Step 3: Glitter Application
Apply a coat of Mod Podge or PVA glue onto the filed side, then cover it generously with glitter!
Let it dry for an hour or so depending on your room temperature.
Step 4: Glitter Recycling :)
Get rid of the excess glitter, move your earrings aside and put your leftover glitter back to the container. No waste! :)
Step 5: The Glue 'wash'
Mix some PVA glue with water 1 : 1 ratio and apply to the glittery side with a soft brush..
Let it dry for 30 min - 1 hour
Step 6: Add Findings
Create holes for the jump rings using a single hole punch or a drill and attach your jump rings & earring hooks using chain nose and bent nose pliers.
Add glue on the earring posts to create studs.
Step 7: Finished Earrings
I hope you try to make these yourselves and if you do, please send me a picture! I would love to see your creations! :-) I’m on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, just follow the links below:
I also run a Youtube channel where you can find this tutorial, feel free to check it out and subscribe ;-)
You are most welcome to check out my Etsy store with my original art jewellery: