Introduction: Easy Hot Chocolate
In this instructable I will show you how to make delicious hot chocolate.
Step 1: Ingredients
These are the things you will need:
- 2 teaspoons unsweeted cocoa
- 2-3 teaspoons suggar
- boiling water
- cup
- milk
- irish cream liqueur or similar like Baileys or Amarula
- 2 teaspoons unsweeted cocoa
- 2-3 teaspoons suggar
- boiling water
- cup
- milk
- irish cream liqueur or similar like Baileys or Amarula
Step 2: Chocolate
Put 2 teaspoons unsweeted cocoa in the cup.
Step 3: Suggar
Now put 2-3 tespoons suggar in the cup and mix it with the cocoa.
Step 4:
Now fill in boiling water.
Step 5: Optionally: Alc.
For children, add milk.
For adults, i would recommend you to put any cream liqueur in it, it's more delicious at all.
Now enjoy your fast done hot chocolate!
For adults, i would recommend you to put any cream liqueur in it, it's more delicious at all.
Now enjoy your fast done hot chocolate!