Introduction: Easy Mini Amp Plug-in
If you have a small little mini guitar amp, you know how annoying it is to carry around your cord. In this instructable, I'll show you how to make a cord like thing to plug right in to your guitar.
Step 1: Gather Supplies
Supplies you will need:
Piece Of Wood
2 1/4 inch audio jacks
Electrical Tape
Piece Of Wood
2 1/4 inch audio jacks
Electrical Tape
Step 2: Join Jacks
Put the two 1/4 inch audio jacks together, mine fit perfectly.
Step 3: Tape
Tape It All up.
Step 4: Mark Stick
Make two marks on your wood the length of your jacks. Cut On Lines.
Step 5: Tape Around Wood
tape the peices of wood around what you have so far to make it sturdy.
Step 6: Add Support
tape the rest of the stick to the side so the amp doesnt wobble so much.
Step 7: DONE!
You now have your very own mini amp connector!