Introduction: Easy Paracord Key Chain
- 11 to 18 inches of paracord
- Lighter
- Scissors
- 11 to 18 inches of paracord
- Lighter
- Scissors
Step 1: Getting It Started
Cut paracord. Then fold in half andmake a loop inward. Take left hand string and loop under inward loop and lay on right hand string.
Then take right string and loop over and through left loop. Pull tight.
Then take right string and loop over and through left loop. Pull tight.
Step 2: Weaving
Now we start weaving. We will use the cobra weave for this project. Repeat but continuously switching sides. Do about 5 cobra weaves then take the extra paracord and do a simple knot around existing loop.
Step 3: Finished
FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!! :) this is my first instructable.