Introduction: Easy Snowball Thrower
I thought it might be fun to make a snowball thrower because it is winter.
I hope you have fun making this super easy project!
duct tape
1 in dowel or pipe
a soda can
a sharp knife
Step 1: Preparing the Can
take your can and a knife, and cut the top off the can. cover the entire can with duct tape so there are no sharp edges.
Step 2: Preparing the Handle and Attaching the Can
take your 1 in. dowel and cut it to about 18 in.
take your cut dowel, tape, and the can. Use 4 in. strips to attach the can to the handle, wrap more tape around the dowel and can to make sure it is secure.
Step 3: Now to Test It!
scoop some snow into the can and pack it down. swing it as fast as you can to see how far you can get it!