Introduction: Easy TF2 Spy Cosplay

About: I'm a nerd and a geek who likes cosplaying, cooking, video games, drawing, anime, and much more. I hope you find my tutorials helpful.

Are you in a rush to find easy Cosplay for a convention? Have you procrastinated again to make a Halloween costume? Then this is the tutorial for you.

Step 1: Pick Out a Reference Photo

This is important because you want to pick out clothing that is similar to the Spy. Choose a picture with detail.

Step 2: Get the Supplies

You need to decide if you want to be on the red or blue side first. Once you're done with that, get the necessary materials. I will provide a list for both blue and red.
- 3 hole ski mask navy blue or burgundy
-necktie navy blue or burgundy
-dress suit in navy or tan
-black gloves
-dress shoes
-fake cigarettes
-fake butterfly knife

I would suggest getting the suit from Salvation Army or a secondhand shop.

Step 3: All Done

Put on all the clothing, and have a good time wherever you go, be it Megacon or a Halloween party.

Note: I do not own the provided image