Introduction: Easy and Loud DIY Bluetooth Speaker
Hello everyone, as apart of this Instructable, i will be showing you how to make a DIY Bluetooth speaker. As the part of the year 9 curriculum at my school we have a project called the Speacialness Project. In this project we need to use our skills to serve and help others. I decided to show my woodworking and soldering skills and combine them in creating this Instructable to help others. I hope you enjoy this and this helps you make a DIY Bluetooth Speaker. PLEASE NOTE THIS SPEAKER ONLY WORKS WITH ANDROID DEVICES!
Step 1: Gather the Parts and Tools
This Bluetooth speaker is very easy to make even for the newest of solderers and woodworkers. Only a few basic tools are needed that you might already have at home. In this project the tools you will need are
- Sandpaper (200 to 1000 grit)
- PVA Wood Glue
- Hand saw
- Drill
- 45mm diameter hold drill bit
- Soldering Iron
- Solder
- Wet Sponge
- Clamps (Not to big)
- Hot Glue Gun
- Hot Glue
- Router (optional)
The list of things you need for the speaker are
- 1M of dual core cable
- Bluetooth USB adapter
- PAM8403 Amplifier Module
- USB Charging Module 5v
- li-po 2400mah or 2700mah 5v Battery
- DC on off switch (make sure it has positive and negative terminals)
- 2X Full range 4ohm speakers 2 inch size
- Pine Radiata 1metre of wood (Up to you how much wood you use and the size) (make sure it isn't to thick)
- USB Extendon Cable
- 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable
- very thin ply wood for the base
Step 2: Soldering the Parts Together
The first step to construct this speaker is to solder the parts together. I have created a circuit diagram and all parts need to be soldered following this. Remember to use a wet sponge or cloth to clean the tip of the soldering iron. Remember when soldering to heat the spot you want to solder and then apply solder. This will evenly distribute the solder. NOTE : THE USB ADAPTER LISTED COMES WITH AUDIO CABLE. CUT OFF THE ENDS AND THIS I USED INSTEAD OF TAKING THE WHOLE OUTER SHELL OF THE ADAPTER OFF. Also remember to cut off the male end of the USB off to solder to your main wires.
Step 3: Testing the Speaker
Before making the outside of the speaker you must test to make sure the speaker works. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone and connect it. Ensure the speaker is turned on and it made a beeping sound when you turned it on. If the speaker does not work, ensure you are using an android device and all cables are connected to the right spots. Also make sure the speaker is fully charged. Another reason why it might not work, is the 3 wires coming out the 3.5mm audio cable are probably attached in the wrong place. The colours can sometime be different on each wire so resolder and test on each of the three solder places labeled on the red amplifier module (ln,rn and the gnd between ln and rn). This was one problem I had with the original prototype. Continue resoldering each wire in a different spot until it works.
Step 4: Constructing the Outside
The next step once the speaker works we must construct the outside of the speaker. The wood can be cut to whatever size you want, as everyone wants a different size speaker. Make sure you always measure to the nearest mm. One problem I came across was the clamps slowly moved the wood so the sides weren't square and equal. Make sure the clamps aren't to tight so they slowly move the wood. Remember to use the wood PVA glue to give a good bond. The next part isn't something you need to do but it is a nice touch. You can recess the base which is made out of thin plywood. You can do this by using a router to cut out around the edge of the speaker. Do this at the thickness of the ply wood you have. Leaving the ply wood base to last is easiest. Another suggestion is making the bottom of the speaker out of the wooden material from an old photo frame. This is very thin and works great.
Step 5: Cutting Out Holes
The next step is to cut out holes for the on and off button and the charging port. Put in your speakers components and mark out two holes for the button and charging port. Chisel or route out a spot for the charging module. Then drill and sand away a hole for the micro USB charging port. Then drill a hole where you want to put the switch. Then place the switch on the inside. ( REMEMBER TO UNSOLDER THE SWITCH SO YOU CAN PUT IT ON FROM THE OUTSIDE.
Step 6: Gluing in Components
The last step is to glue the components into the inside of the speaker. Use the hot glue and hot glue gun, line the speakers up first with the holes you drilled earlier. Then line up the on and off button and the charging port. The carefully glue everything in like shown in the picture.
Step 7: Speaker Finish
The speaker is now finished and complete. You can paint it and add different materials to the exterior of the Bluetooth speaker. I used a clear quick drying clear spray enamel. This worked very well and was easy to apply to the exterior of the speaker.