Introduction: Easy Bluetooth Sumobot

This was one of my first arduino projects who worked ;)

PS: I'm from Holland so my english is not very good. If there are any questions than i will response them as quick as possible. This project is very fun to give away or to fight against each other!

Step 1: Parts

For this project you need:

-Arduino UNO

-L293D Motor Shield

-HC-05 / HC-06 Bluetooth module

-Wires (8)

-(mini) Breadboard

-Old Router

- 2 DC - Motors + tires


Step 2: Building the Model

You can make the Sumbot the way you want it.

I had build it like you see on the pictures.

Step 3: Wiring

Picture says enough ;)

Bluetooth module:

VCC = 5volt pin on motorshield

GND = gnd

TX = A5 on the motorshield

RX = A4 on the motorshield

When you are ready you could test the Sumobot. When the DC motors run in the opposite way(when you want to go forward but it go backwards), You have to exchange the two wires from the motor.

Step 4: Code

You can write the code yourself or you can ask for it (you have to response with your email and i will send it to you.)

Please vote for me at the contest!
