Introduction: Easy Hand Cleaner for After Bike Maintenance

This is a very simple and effective way to make your own hand cleaner like Swarfega to remove all that grime off your hands after a hard afternoon working on your faithful steed

Step 1: Materials

All your going to need is some Salt (not rock salt) and some washing up liquid or hand sanitizer i have even used just soapy water before  

Step 2: Step 1

Add the washing up liquid / hand sanitizer / soapy water to a container i have used a glass .
make sure if your using soapy water it is not warm

Step 3: Step 2

Add a table spoon of salt

Step 4: Step 3

Mix it up !

Step 5: Final Stage

Now wash your hands using the mixture you should find that the granules of salt help the grime to slide right off
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