Introduction: Easy Large Portable Woodgas Stove

About: New twists on old ideas

This is a CHEAP version of my first Instructable

If you need to get a BIG stove going  right now, this is the one.

Video of stove operation at end of Instructable.

Read and BUILD!

Step 1: Tools and Materials


- Tin snips
- Sharp chisel and hammer
- Corded or cordless drill or screwdriver
- Optional hacksaw
- Optional Dremel with fiberglass cutting wheel


- Large tin can. 10 inches wide, 11 inches tall (roughly)
- Smaller can about 8 inches wide. #10 food can type
- Computer style fan. (80 or 92 mm)
- 1/8" diameter metal tubing (flux brush, golf club tubing, small copper tubing from old fridge?)
- 2 1/2 inch deck or drywall screws. Any long screws will do.

The large tin can might be a popcorn or cookie tin. It can be a 5 gallon kerosene or hydraulic fluid container. It could be a metal paint pail with lid that seals. The container has to have a flat top and be completely intact.

The inner burn pot can be made from a #10 food can, or 2 stainless steam table pots (bain marie).
I use the inner pots from my other instructable in this one. Look there for more info.

The single wall burn pot will work fine. It will radiate enough heat to melt your computer fan though.
The fan pictured below melted in this close configuration.

Cut the top hole in the outer can with a sharp chisel and hammer. Or use the chisel and hammer to get a hole started, then use tin snips to finish the top hole. Take your time and make the top hole PERFECT. The #10 food can/inner burn pot must fit TIGHT. This allows the gasifier to work best without needing weird exotic sealants you have no access to.

Next step will show how to make a basic duct to keep the fan a small distance away.

All this instructable shows is how to make a fan duct and gasifier if you have barely any tools and supplies.

Step 2: Cut Fan Hole

Here is how to ghetto mount a fan and duct.

Punch the metal can with chisel and get tin snips in there. Cut hole for fan.

Step 3: Cut Fan Standoffs

This is a nice little trick I cooked up. I needed fan standoffs and had nothing. Or so I thought.

Take some cheap acid flux brushes and cut 1 inch pieces from them. These brushes are everywhere. Harbor Freight sells a whole bag for 99 cents. Any plumbing supply/home improvement store has them.

If you don't have them, use an old golf club shaft.
Or cut some thin copper tubing off a refrigerator compressor.
Anything that fits over the long fan screws like a sleeve.

When cutting thin tubing take a hacksaw and reverse the blade so the teeth are pointing back at you. See pic 2. Slide the hacksaw forward VERY light at first. Maybe do only forward motions with it.
This tubing snags the blade very easily.
Or take a Dremel and slice the tubes right off. A Dremel cutting wheel makes extremely clean and smooth cuts.

Make 4 small 1 inch tubes. Now you have fan standoffs!

Step 4: Install Fan Standoffs

Put the long screws through the fan first, then slide the tubes on.

If you need to, use a sheet metal screw smaller than your main screws to punch the can easier.
Or predrill with a small drill bit. Or make holes with hammer and nail. It's up to you.

Step 5: Fan Standoffs Complete

Sit back and marvel. Drink a beer or something.

Take it easy because the next step will make you pull out whatever hair you might have.

Step 6: Make Fan Duct

This is where it gets annoying. Seal the area between the fan and outer can by any means necessary.

Duct tape in small strips will work if you have a double inner burn pot setup.
Metal duct tape works better.

A small strip of metal cut from another tin can and formed into a square would work too.
Seal over that with tape. The object of this step is to have the duct be airtight. Every bit of the fan's air needs to go through the duct. This helps with keeping the fan cool and meltdown free.

MacGuyver would have a hard time with this step too. Don't feel bad.

Step 7: Complete

Looks great eh?  Or not as the case may be.

Hopefully you have function instead of form at this stage.

If you have a double walled burn pot, even this horrible duct tape unit will work.
Imagine that, duct tape used to make an actual DUCT!
Possibly a first in the world of poor man's DIY.

Step 8: Bonus Burn Pot Pics

Here are some top down pics of the double walled stainless burn pot.

No sealant is used between the pots. Just a precise tight cut in the large container.
8 sheet metal screws installed carefully (no stripping!) hold the pots in.

Step 9: Video of Operation

Here is the video. Quick and dirty horrible editing.