Introduction: Easy Robot: Light Follower

No programming or microchips!

Robots, the most awesome thing there is, especially when allot of people can build it!
I got this robot from a friend as a present. thank you Rudolf.

Anyway, this robot uses 2 Light dependent resistors to sense light and drive toward it.

Soldering iron->hot->hurts

That said, lets start

the reason this is green: the battery's i used are rechargable, one battery can load 1000 times so i save 1998 battery's in this instructables

PS: you have to have SOME electric knowledge for this.

Step 1: Electrical Materials

R1-4 4 100 ohm resistor

R5-6 2 220 ohm resistor

SW1 1 Switch

RV12 2 10k variable resistors

T12 2 Transistors BC557C

T34 2 Transistors BC547C

LD12 2 LEDs

LDR12 2 Light Dependent Resistors

1 IN4007 Diode (note: can be replaced by a paperclip, it supports the wheel XD)

*Note: I got this as a present from a friend. Some of the parts can be different, I dont know.

Step 2: Rest Materials

Box to put everything in and a piece of cardboard so you pieces dont go flying / PCB**
Some wires if you dont have a PCB.
Some electric components
Battery holder
Some motors, I got some open chassis motors
Soldering iron
File / sanding paper
A small screw
Something to make the motors have more grip (heatshrink?)

** : I dont have a digital version of the pcb , as I told you I got it from a friend. If someone has the tools to make a digital version please do.

Step 3: The Building Of.

1. resistors
2. transistors
3. switch
4. LEDs, these are supposed to bend a bit (looking like bug eyes) i bent them about 90 degrees.
5. light dependent resistors, these are supposed to point forward. (solder them on and then bend them until they lyon the pcb.
6. variable resistors point them forward and next to eachother, that looks fun
7. AAA holder
8. motors, file them down so you can solder/glue them to your pcb/box. put these under an angle so the axis of the motor acts as a wheel
9. put some heatshrink on the motor. this wil get some extra grip and makes it go faster.

Step 4: Operate It

When I just finished the robot i didn't quite know what to do with it, yes i knew it drives towards light but then what do the variable resistors do?

Turns out that the resistors say how sensitive a light dependent resistor is.
if you turn the one close to the left LDR then the left LDR will become less sensitive. and thus the RIGHT motor will not turn as fast.

PS: you can get this kit at: