Introduction: Easy System to Irrigate Tomatoes
Penso Che NEL this Caso di Pubblicazione e di Più Che Una Presentazione instructable delle Nazioni Unite. Interessante sembra altrettanto per la 'implementazione di facilitatore e di Che io posso vedere TUTTI I Giorni.
Step 1: Why
This is actually meet two different needs that now will explain:
1) the first need is to achieve through the watering the land concerned roots minimizing waste.
(2) the second requirement (but in this case I am still of the idea) is to collect whenever possible rainwater .why not be lost.
This second need is accentuated by the fact that I have covered the culture medium with a nylon anti weeds, which plays very well his work but in case of rain is a screen nearly complete.The first need is readily understandable, I believe.
Step 2: The Material
as material for making everything I used all things recovery (how I love to do), and then: empty bottles pet and hose that, in my case I found with ease; but can be used easily with normal use to electricians.
The inclusion of the tube was simple because of the perfect match between two diameters exterior and interior but in other cases will be safer from a possible adaptation or fastening with tape