Introduction: Cheap Noise Insulation for Your Earphones
Strange ideas occur to at the most weirdest of times sometimes when your about to pass out, when your bent over the toilet puking, waking up next to a dumpster etc..what ? is it just me. This one however popped into my head when my ears started hurting from jamming my hard non insulated earphones deep into my ears at unhealthy high volumes to block out the street noises.
Everybody who's ever bought an earphone with an earbud has got a bunch of extra ear buds which are provided with it .use it to make a normal,cheap n good ol' fasioned (yep the ones i was jammin into my ears) earphones comfortable and noise insulated.
trust me it really gives u satisfaction to convert a cheapo earphone into something a bit better (maybe much better) . Also its damaging to your ears to listen at high volumes.
i've found that after using this method to insulate my earphones i have been listening to songs at 18th volume instead of the 23-24th.
Everybody who's ever bought an earphone with an earbud has got a bunch of extra ear buds which are provided with it .use it to make a normal,cheap n good ol' fasioned (yep the ones i was jammin into my ears) earphones comfortable and noise insulated.
trust me it really gives u satisfaction to convert a cheapo earphone into something a bit better (maybe much better) . Also its damaging to your ears to listen at high volumes.
i've found that after using this method to insulate my earphones i have been listening to songs at 18th volume instead of the 23-24th.
Step 1: Things You'll Need
1 an old pair of earphones(without earbuds).
2 tools-scissors, blade
3 some earbuds (atleast 2) .
thats it
2 tools-scissors, blade
3 some earbuds (atleast 2) .
thats it
Step 2: Step 1
remove any covering over the earphone.
turn the ear bud inside out like shown in the pic.
i've also shown this with other ear buds.
turn the ear bud inside out like shown in the pic.
i've also shown this with other ear buds.
Step 3: Step 2
put the earbud(turned inside out )on to your finger(or don't ,whatever) and use the scissors to cut of the stem like part (i dont know what else to call it).
Step 4: Step 3
slip the earbud over the earphone so that it fits tightly like shown and cut of the excess part that covers the holes through sound is transmitted, with a blade or a scissor.
Step 5:
experiment with different size and material earbuds.i've found that almost any thing that fits over the earphone works..this is my first instructable alright so dont go crazy on me....anyone who can understand the lack of good quality cheap earphone will like this