Introduction: Easy Minnow Trap Out of a Waterbottle
Things you will need:
-a water bottle
-tape or staples(staples work better)
-rope or string(opional)
Step 1: Cut the Water Bottle
Cut the water bottle to make a funnel of the top and you can throw away the cap.
Step 2: Make the Form
Put the funnel part upside down on the bottle and push it in but not all the way.
Step 3: Put Tape on It or Staple It
Put tape on it or staple it. If you would like you can attach a rope or string to it so if you put it in the water you can put it back up and you can attach a cork to the other side of the rope to make a marker so you know where it is.
Step 4: Finished
This is the finshed product of it all.Don't forget to add good bait and have fun!