Introduction: Eco Bookshelf

Shall we make an economical and ecological bookshelf?

In daily life, you often have a lot of cardboards by shopping and you must discard them. However, when you do so, you may think " What a waste! ". So, if you make some alterations to cardboard in the easy way, you can contribute to our environment. I recommend that you remake boxes.

Step 1: Prepare Materials

As I told you, This project is easy all you need are 5 things.

What you'll need:

  • some cardboards
  • sissors or cutters
  • rulers
  • decolation items (if necessary)
  • pens

If there aren't cardboards in your house, you go to a neighboring supermarket and pick them up.

Step 2: Draw Lines

Make a draft on the cardboard. Draw lines as shown in the upper figure with a pen.

Each board requires 4 pieces.

Step 3: Cut Boards

Cut the boards along the lines. At this time, it is easier to cut them with a cutter than a sissor. Be careful not to cut your finger.

Step 4: Decorate As You Like

If you dislike the cardboard's design, decorate the board.

For example, using masking tapes, pasting colorful cloths, putting seals and so on. You can buy them at the 100-yen shop, so, it takes less money. Let's decorate matching an atmosphere of your room!

Step 5: Assembly 1

At first, Insert board② into board①(25cm side crevices) as shown in the first picture.

Second picture shows that overhangs performs the same functions as a stopper.

You should be careful not to bend the board when you put it in.

Step 6: Assembly2

In the same way of assembly1, Insert them on the other side. If you do so, the boards look like the picture.

Step 7: Assembly3

Next, make the bottom of bookshelf. You push board② into the remaining board①'s crevices.

This is almost completed.

Step 8: Reinforce the Bookshelf to Keep a Balance

Finally, use remaining two board①s .

Like an assembly1,2 , insert them. By dong so, this bookshelf can stand strongly.

Step 9: Make a Pertition

The item, partition makes this bookshelf be more useful. ( if you don't need it, skip this step)

1. cut the cardboard as shown in the above picture.

2. set up the board at any place you like.

Step 10: Fin

You're finished!

Let's set your books. This bookshelf can't be put heavy things such as dictionary, but, can put a few books.

If you can make them a lot stonger if you glue multiple layers of cardboard together with the grain going in opposite directions.

Recycling resources, this product is eco-friendly. So, I hope you will try and make it for yourself instead of buying. You will spend a good time through making something.

Thank you for reading!