Introduction: Eco-friendly Compost Bin

A compost bin is a structure used to make compost, which can be used as a natural fertilizer to achieve better quality soil. It enriches the soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.

From my perspective, this is my way to give a positive contribution to the planet we all live, so much for building this compost bin by recycling old materials as by finding a better way to give a better end to some of the garbage we produce preventing it from going to landfills.

If you want to learn more about compost and compost bins you can see more information on


To build this compost bin it is necessary some scrap wood, finishing products and tools.

Regarding the wood, I built it using timber boards saved from old palettes and some pieces of an old closet and old bed frame.

For the compost bin bottom, I used a water-permeable net and camping tent sticks to give it some structural enforcement.

To give it a nicer look I used dark brown outdoor varnish followed by a coat of water repellent varnish to give it some extra protection since it will be sitting in the garden.

Finally, when it comes to tools I used a miter saw, a table saw, a nail gun, a battery-powered drill, an electric hand planer, and a jigsaw.

Step 1: Prepare the Wood

In this step, I prepared all the wood I used to build this project.

  1. Disassemble the palettes and remove nails from timber boards
  2. Cut the boards which will be used to build the 4 side walls to the respective length:
    1. 22 boards with 90cm.
    2. 22 boards with 45cm.
  3. Plane edges of all timber boards in order to all of them perfectly join each other.
  4. Remove the door of the old closet which will be used as top door
  5. Cut bed feet from the old bed frame to be used as the compost bin feet.
  6. Cut some wood pieces with about 4x4 cm to be used as support for the sidewalls and doors.
  7. Sand all the wood and apply a coat of dark wood varnish and another coat of water repellent varnish.

Step 2: Assemble Sidewalls, Bottom and Feet

Assemble the sidewalls by nailing all the timber boards side by side to a scrap piece of wood timber removed from the old furniture I got.

Install the bottom of the compost bin. The bottom will be the place where the compost will be sitting for a long period of time, so it had to be permeable to the water and at the same time support the heavyweight of the compost. To achieve this I used a water-permeable net and some camping tent stripes to give structural support.

Install the feet of the compost bin screwing them to the bin itself.

Step 3: Cut the Front Door and Roof Slope

With the help of the jigsaw cut the roof slope and the front door.

Nail together the timber boards to form the front door and nail together, as well, the left pieces on both sides of the cut.

Apply the same coating to the fresh-cut joints.

Step 4: Install the Front and Top Doors, Handles and Locking Mechanism

This is the very last step to finish the build os the compost bin. It is just necessary to install the doors, to do that just screw the hinges to the frame and then to the door.

To finish the construction it is just missing the door handles and the front door locking mechanism. Unfortunately, I won't be able to show them installed, because I ordered them online, and due to this Covid-19 pandemic I didn't receive them in time.

I leave the links for them below and you can imagine how they would look like. :)

Step 5: Make Our World a Better Place

Use the bin to create your own compost, grow your own plants, and make our world a better place for everybody.

Thanks for reading this instructable, if you like it or if you have any suggestion don't hesitate and reach me.

If you want to build someone like this and need any clarification please feel free to contact me.

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