Introduction: Edible Drink Markers and Place Holders
These edible drink markers and place holders are fun and easy to put together - perfect for any party! I've used melons here and a bit of mango, but I think this idea could be applied in many more ways. :)
I think I will probably make these for every brunch ever until the end of time. So cute!
Making these is a great activity for kids, too! Might be a good solution to keep them busy while you party prep. :D
Step 1: Ingredients + Tools
- fruit for cutting (melons of all kinds, slightly underripe mangoes, apples)
- alphabet cookie cutters
- berries and other fruit for garnishing the ends
- skewers
And that's it!
You really want the fruit to be firm. Try to avoid fruit that's too ripe - it will just smush and tear and you won't get a clean cut.
Step 2: Cut the Letters Out
Cut your fruit into slices 1/4 - 1/2 inch thick. Closer to 1/2 inch seems to hold up better. :)
Try to keep some skewers or plastic utensils around for this part - you'll need help pushing the letters out.
You'll get the best results by placing the cookie cutter flat on the cut fruit and smacking it down using a flat palm. Quick and with force! BAM
Use whatever you have on hand to gently push the fruit out the back of the cookie cutters.
Step 3: Skewer and Storage
Once your letters are all cut, press them gently onto the skewers! It may take a couple tries to figure out the best spot to skewer them. :)
Add additional fruit or berries at each end for garnish to pretty them up and then you're done. :D
If you make them ahead of time, chill them in the fridge but DO NOT freeze. I tried freezing hoping it would make them more durable, but it actually had the opposite effect. They defrost very fast because they're so tiny and get pretty droopy!