Introduction: Educaacción-UAO

This is a project of a functional model which was developed in a twelve weeks period by the first group of students of Arquitectura de Sistemas Multimedia, a subject of Multimedia engineering career of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Educacción is about making interactive learning objects, this allows to students to learn and evaluate knowledge about the subject. This multimedia system can share information and proof if the students are learning in three different levels: conceptual, methodologic and functional, to do this, the system has a physic entity (Hardware) and a virtual entity (Software), the first entity has an arduino UNO which has one joystick, LEDs, and push buttons connected to this, the joystick allows to the user to navigate into the interface, and the push buttons allows to choose the answers when the user is resolving the test; LEDs indicate when the answer is correct or wrong. The second entity is a program developed on processing, which is available on a laptop, this program first shows the general and specific information and later pass to the test part. It is important to know that both entities are connected by the arduino´s USB cable.

Step 1: Getting the Elements

For develop this project you are going to need:

  1. Arduino UNO
  2. Joystick module
  3. Two LEds, one green led and a red led
  4. Four push buttons
  5. Six Male-Male jumpers
  6. Five Male-Female jumpers
  7. Copper cable
  8. One 400 points protoboard
  9. One laptop
  10. Six 10K resistors
  11. Wood of 0.9 mm thickness

Step 2: Physic Entity

Connect the resistors to the protoboard, then you are going to solder copper cable to two of the four legs of each push button, and on each LED, when you have this complete, connect the push buttons and the LEDs to the protoboard, for the push buttons, insert one of the legs in the current part of the protoboard and the another leg in the same line of one of the resistor, do this for each push button; for the LEDs, connect the negative leg to the resistors line (the resistor must have a conection to the ground part of the protoboard) and the positive leg to another point, do this for each LED. With this part complete, it is time to connect all this pieces to the Arduino, for this use the Male-Male jumpers, for push buttons insert the jumper on the same line of the leg with the resistor, and another side to one digital pin of the Arduino, make this process for each push button; to connect the LEDs to the Arduino, insert one side of the jumper into the same line of the positive leg of the LED, and the another side to the digital pin of the Arduino.

Now it is time to connect the joystick module, to do this, connect the Female side of the jumpers to the module, and later connect the 5v pin in the same pin of the Arduino, and the same for the GND pin, connect the VRx and VRy to the A0 and A1 analog pins of the Arduino, finally connect the SW pin to one digital pin of the Arduino.

To finish this proccess, it is necessary to write the code for the Arduino, for this you are going to need a computer with the arduino IDE, this can be downloaded from Arduino´s website, when it is ready, open a new sketch and then you can write the code for the physic entity, the code its available below, the name of the file is codigo When the code is ready, setup your arduino, connect your Arduino to the computer, after go to the tools menu on the top of the window, then select on board: Arduino UNO, and select the port on which is your arduino connected, look the picture "Choosing the board and the port" for more detailed information. The final part is upload the code in the arduino, doing click on the arrow icon, as it is show on the last picture.

Arduino´s website:

Step 3: Virtual Entity

To do the virtual entity, you are going to need a computer with Processing 3.3.6 or 3.3.5, this can be downloaded from the Processing website, when it is ready, then it is time to write the code. Open a new sketch and after write the code that is available below, remember to import the serial Library, this is available on the Sketch menu, on the menu barm, look the picture "How to import the Serial Library" for more detailed information. Also you are going to need the pictures that are available on this Step on Imagenes file, because this system works with pictures, where the information and the test are unfold, some of them are available as an example on the step. Once the code is complete, connect the physic entity to the virtual entity and do click on the play button of processing, as it is on the last picture.

Processing website:

Step 4: Case

Now it is time to do the case where our system is going to be, to do this you are going to need a piece of wood of 0.9 mm thickness, on this make the following blueprints and then cut the pieces, to do the holes, use a drill. With all the pieces done, put the physic entity over the bottom piece, after put the walls around the entity and finally put the top piece, join all the pieces with glue.

Step 5: Job Done

Finally, the project looks like this: