Introduction: Egg Frittata With Crab Claw Meat Recipe

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If you're like me, cooking in a wood-fired oven makes you want to invent new things to cook! So, one day, I had some extra crab claw meat and decided to experiment. I decided to make a healthy cast iron skillet recipe that is made with low carb ingredients. It's basically a really yummy egg frittata with crab claw meat and vegetables. Plus, when cooked in a wood-fired oven, it's not only healthier, it's also way more fun!

In case you didn't know, a frittata is an egg-based Italian dish that is usually cooked in a cast iron skillet. They typically have additional ingredients such as vegetables, meats, or cheeses mixed in with the eggs rather than folded in the center like an omelet.

Let me remind you that cooking is like a fun adventure... you have a plan but you don't always need to follow it. If you don't like rules, no worries... when I say to use 1 cup of crab meat just "assume" that's what I used; could've been .9 cups, might've been 1.15 cups!

Here are the ingredients you'll need:

  • 1 Zucchini
  • 1 Cup of Mushrooms
  • 4 Large Eggs
  • 1 Cup of Crab Claw Meat (you can try different crab meat)
  • 1/3 Bag of Pine Nuts1/4 cup of Mozzerella Cheese
  • 1/2 cup of Half and Half
  • 1 teaspoon of Minced Garlic
  • 1/2 oz of Pine Nuts
  • 1 tablespoon of Basil
  • 1/3 cup Olive Oil

For reference, you can find the Egg Frittata recipe in the Patio & Pizza Recipe Blog Posts.

Step 1: Heat Your Skillet

While your fire is warming up, heat your 12" cast iron skillet in your wood-fired oven. This will allow the skillet to reach a good temperature for searing your vegetables once added. We personally use the Maximus Prime Stainless Steel Pizza Oven which heats faster than a brick oven. The heat radiates from the metal dome much hotter than a brick oven so you need to keep an eye on your dishes while cooking if you are using high temperatures. In this case, we kept the temperature closer to 400 degrees (F).

Step 2: Prepare Your Vegetables

Cut up your zucchini and mushrooms. You can make them as small or as large as you want. It's your culinary creation so the design is up to you!

Step 3: Add Vegetable Oil

Once your cast iron skillet is warm, add a little vegetable oil along with your zucchini and mushrooms. Don't forget that the handle of your cast iron will be very hot so make sure to wear gloves!

Step 4: Cook Your Vegetables

Put your skillet back in the wood-fired oven. Depending on your pizza oven temperature, your vegetables could take from 10 minutes to 20 minutes until cooked to your liking.

If you like your zucchini a little crunchy, cook in less time. You'll know when they are done. Just remember to turn your skillet frequently and stir your vegetables so all of them get equal time near the flame.

Step 5: Crack the Eggs

While your vegetables are roasting in the wood-fired oven, crack your eggs into a glass bowl. This one is pretty self-explanatory (take 4 eggs, crack them in a bowl) but since I took such a great picture, I wanted to add it as its own step.

Step 6: Prepare the Egg Mixture

In a food processor or with a little chopper tool, blend the pine nuts and garlic. Stir the garlic/nut blend, half & half, basil, and cheese into the eggs.

Step 7: Prepare the Crab Meat

Prepare 1 Cup of crab claw meat (you can always add more if you're feeling extra crabby!). We used Stone Crab Claw meat but next time might experiment with different crab meat.

Step 8: Add Egg Mixture and Crab Meat to Vegetables

When your vegetables are roasted, pull the cast iron skillet out of the wood-fired oven and stir in the egg mixture. Then, add the crab meat.

Step 9: Cook Your Egg Frittata

The best part is here! Put your Egg Frittata masterpiece into the wood-fired oven! The temperature of the oven should be close to 400 degrees Farenheight. If you want to have a better idea of your pizza oven's temperature, you can use a temperature gun infrared thermometer which allows you to point into the oven and read the temperature of the floor, the dome, and all around your oven. You can experiment with your oven temperatures to find what works best for your cooking style.

Don't forget to periodically turn your skillet to cook evenly on all sides.

When your crab claw frittata is done, pull out the cast iron skillet. The top should be perfectly browned.

Step 10: Admire Your Work

Your kitchen may be a disaster by now and you may be on your third mimosa but slow down and appreciate what you just accomplished!

Pat yourself on the back, take a selfie, or show off your frittata on Instagram! #MyFrittataRocks (tag #patioandpizza and we'll throw you some LOVE also!)

Step 11: Cut and Serve

I previously stated that Step #9 was the best part. I was wrong! The best part is enjoying your Frittata!

Go ahead, have the first slice! You deserve it!

The joy of cooking for me is in the experimentation. I challenge you to try this recipe but don't be afraid to add a little more of this or a lot more of that. Comment below and let me know how your cooking adventure turned out!

You can find this recipe and lots more on the Patio & Pizza Recipe Page now.