Introduction: Electric Drill Bike

About: Hi, I am Griffen. Joy and you will see that most of my instructables will be about Farming, building things to ripp around your property on, blacksmithing, and knife making.
This bike is powered by a drill and goes as fast as a barbie jeep with a low battery. This process takes only 10 minutes.

Step 1: Materials

- Twist Ties
- Drill
- Old bike ( without chain )

Step 2: Twist Tying the Drill to the Bike

First, you get your bike and twist tie a drill to it. The drill spindle needs to rub against the tire.

Step 3: Finished!

Now you are finished. When you turn on the drill the piece at the end (I think its the spindle) will turn and if it is tight against the tire it should spin. Thanks for viewing!