Electric ImpBy cat-haines in CircuitsMicrocontrollers1,68538 A collection of Electric Imp projects and guides. The perfect place to get started, or expand your skills with the Electric Imp! A collection of Electric Imp projects and guides. The perfect place to get started, or expand your skills with the Electric Imp! Getting Started With Electric Impby cat-haines in MicrocontrollersTempBug: Internet-connected Thermometerby tombrew in SensorsImpowered Electrical Outletsby MidnightMaker in Remote ControlElectric Imp Garage Door Openerby MidnightMaker in ElectronicsISS Overheadby cat-haines in ElectronicsImPrinter: the Electric Imp Wireless, Internet-connected Thermal Printerby tombrew in MicrocontrollersImp Chef: Internet-Connected BBQ Thermometerby tombrew in MicrocontrollersSnackBot: the Internet Connected Candy Machine!by cat-haines in MicrocontrollersNeoWeather: Ambient Weather Indicatorby tombrew in GadgetsElectric Imp MailBox Notificationsby pietronet in ElectronicsWireless Halloween Sound Effectsby MidnightMaker in WirelessThe Social Media Hamsterby amicojeko in GadgetsSimple Wireless Temperature Sensor Updating Web Site With Electric Imp and Thermistorby tvdl in SensorsImpower - the (Electric Imp Powered) Internet Connected AC Outletby cat-haines in Electronics