Introduction: Electric Wheelbarrow

My name is Evan Pickett.  I graduated as a dual major in both mechanical and manufacturing engineering. I love coming up with new designs and innovative solutions to any problems I encounter - or to projects that are thrown my way. Rather than just making something that will work, I prefer to make something that will work better than ever anticipated. That’s what I’ve come up with on my latest idea: the 100 Hills Wheelbarrow. This design started as a basic assistant for yard work, but with beta testing has shown remarkable versatility. It can help so many people in many different modalities My wife moved 4 yards of dirt and 4 yards of rock up a hill in the mud at the end of an Oregon winter 6 weeks post-op from major surgery. As she said, "There is no way to do that without your wheelbarrow. Everyone needs one of these.” I see this allowing our aging population to continue doing difficult projects in their yard longer. I see a use for contractors, beach goers, race pit crews, and so many other areas. My wheelbarrow will go up hills, through mud, gravel, sand, bark dust, over small obstacles on the ground, all with little effort from the user.

With the prize money I will purchase enough parts to build 50 wheelbarrows as a first edition build. With these 50 units, I will have enough product to get my wheelbarrows UL certified and bring them to market.  I will use the rest of the money to define my business brand with the help of a marketing team. I am also working on a website that the wheelbarrows will eventually be sold from.