Introduction: Electro Eraser
This is a advance version of my electro eraser i thought of 5 years ago. Its going to be made in a project box from radio shack. What you need is a project box, high speed 9-volt motor, eraser, led, slide switch, potentiometer, velcro, 9-volt battery, resistor, and a 9-volt battery plug thing. Please vote for me in the Converse back to school in style contest. Please.Thanks!!!!!!!
You need a L.E.D, a resistor, a potentiometer, a high-power 9-volt motor, a simple slide switch, and a dremel, and a lot of wires.
Step 2: Adding the Battery
first you must velcro on the battery to the side of the project box, and plug the thing on it.
Step 3: Drilling the Holes
Now you have to drill the holes for the motor wires with a dremel.
Step 4: Switch
Now you need to add the slide switch. It comes with screws so you drill two tiny holes, and one big rectangle for the switch to move.
Step 5: Add the L.E.D
Now you just have to make a tiny hole and insert the L.E.D from the bottom.
Step 6: Add the Potentiometer
Now you just need to drill a thin rectangle and stick out the potentiometer half way, and super glue the side to one of the sides.
Step 7: Solder!
Now you have to solder everything together, and this time add the resistor for the L.E.D.
Step 8: Super Glue the Eraser
Now you super glue the eraser onto the motor.
Step 9: Your Done!
Congratulations, you have made the most awesome eraser in the world. Enjoy.