Introduction: Electronic Dice!!!

About: Hi!! I AM Lloyd lobo studying science in 12th class and i have a youtube channel (dynamic innovator)and i like to make stuffs!!! like arduino,random projects ,electronic projects , science,and some times scien…


I made a dice throwing prototype: if you press the button, a random number between 1 and 6 is generated and the corresponding number of LEDs are lit up. This was a holiday project with my kids :)

Dice throwing prototype using Arduino UNO, a button switch and 6 LEDs.

Full tutorial on my channel visit my channel for full tutorial!!!

Step 1: Parts & Materials Required!!!

  • Arduino uno
  • 6x LED'S
  • A breadbord or a prototyping board
  • 6x 220 ohm Resistors
  • 1x 1k ohm Resistors
  • A push button

Step 2: Circuit Diagram!!!

I have made a circuit diagram for the connections of Arduino,led,push button and resistors.

see the circuit diagram for the connections.

Step 3: Connections!!!

Now connect led's negative terminal to the 220ohm resistors and positive terminal to the arduino's digital pins from 2 to 7.and connect the other led of the resistors to the Gnd(ground) pin.

For rest of the connections for push button see the circuit diagram!!

Step 4: Additional Changes for the Led's!!!

I have added the BRIDGE like structure at the middle of the breadboard for the led's to rest infront of the wires and resistors JUST TO LOOK CLEAN.


Step 5: CODE!!

  //Now hook up your pc with arduino and just download the below code and upload to your arduino.
//Dynamic Innovator// set to 1 if we're debugging
#define DEBUG 0

// 6 consecutive digital pins for the LEDs
int first = 2;
int second = 3;
int third = 4;
int fourth = 5;
int fifth = 6;
int sixth = 7;

// pin for the button switch
int button = 12;
// value to check state of button switch
int pressed = 0;

void setup() {
  // set all LED pins to OUTPUT
  for (int i=first; i<=sixth; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
  // set buttin pin to INPUT
  pinMode(button, INPUT);
  // initialize random seed by noise from analog pin 0 (should be unconnected)

  // if we're debugging, connect to serial 
  #ifdef DEBUG


void buildUpTension() {
  // light LEDs from left to right and back to build up tension
  // while waiting for the dice to be thrown
  // left to right
  for (int i=first; i<=sixth; i++) {
    if (i!=first) {
      digitalWrite(i-1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(i, HIGH);
  // right to left
  for (int i=sixth; i>=first; i--) {
    if (i!=sixth) {
      digitalWrite(i+1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(i, HIGH);

void showNumber(int number) {
  digitalWrite(first, HIGH);
  if (number >= 2) {
    digitalWrite(second, HIGH);
  if (number >= 3) {
    digitalWrite(third, HIGH);    
  if (number >= 4) {
    digitalWrite(fourth, HIGH);    
  if (number >= 5) {
    digitalWrite(fifth, HIGH);    
  if (number == 6) {
    digitalWrite(sixth, HIGH);    

int throwDice() {
  // get a random number in the range [1,6]
  int randNumber = random(1,7);
  #ifdef DEBUG
  return randNumber;

void setAllLEDs(int value) {
  for (int i=first; i<=sixth; i++) {
    digitalWrite(i, value);

void loop() {
  // if button is pressed - throw the dice
  pressed = digitalRead(button);

  if (pressed == HIGH) {
    // remove previous number
    int thrownNumber = throwDice();


Step 6: Electronic Dice Is Ready !!!

Just see the pictures above .. or visit my youtube channel for the tutorial and working!!!

Toys and Games Challenge

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Toys and Games Challenge