Introduction: Electronic Dice 555timer 4017 Counter

This is a simple Electronic Dice for my Year 9 Engineering class.

PERFECT soldering project

Step 1: The Schematic Diagram

This what the schematic looks like.

It's not complicated,

The 555 Timer triggers the decade counter to count through the LED layout.

As you can see in the Livewire Simulation when the button is pressed the decade counter is triggered until you let go of the press button.

Step 2: Layout

We did a layout of a veroboard to make sure the design worked.

Step 3: Moving Forward

Now that we know the schematic works, we can move on to a more professional finish.

We contacted PCBways and they produced the board for us.

We had to design the PCB first and we did that using Design Spark

We tried to make the board as compact as possible without over cluttering the area.

We made sure that the dice LED array actually looked like a dice.

PCBways took our Gerber files (located in the zip file here) and produce a 10/10 quality product that worked an absolute treat.

It was a matter of drag and drop and solder the parts in place.


contact them if you want the boards made, it was a 7day turn around even with the COVID 19 pandemic.

Step 4: PCB Arrived.

Here is the final product of the PCB without the components..

Step 5: Soldering the Components

Here is an image with all the components added.

It worked first time with no need for trouble shooting.

for my school kids this is exactly what we want.

thank you PCBways.

Thank you for checking out my instructable!