Introduction: Electronic Dice With UTSOURCE

About: YouTuber, Drone Manufaturer

Electronic Dice is a playful electronic project with integrated electronic components involvement. The dice works extremely well in all favorable conditions a user needs when he/she plays a game. Using beautiful schematic and colorful LEDs' dice reflects enjoyment when biasing. So, let’s begin towards the development.


1. Integrated circuit (IC) 4017 (1) get it from here

2. 6 LED’s (same or different colors). Get it from here

3. 9v Battery. Get it from here

4. Connecting or jumper wires. Get it from here

5. Battery clip. Get it from here

6. Breadboard. Get it from here

Step 1: Circuit Diagram

Step 2: Insert the 4017 IC on the Bread Board.

The pins of the IC are designated from 1-16 from left to right and then right to left sequentially

Step 3: Connect Vcc and Ground

Connect pin 16 of the IC to the positive rail of the breadboard and pin 8 to the negative rail of the breadboard.

Step 4: Connect Pin 13 of IC to the Negative Rail of the Bread Board.

Step 5: Connect Pin 5 of the IC to Pin 15 of the Bread Board

Step 6: Connecting Leds

Insert 5 LED’s on the bread board with their cathodes connected to the negative rail and their anode connected to pin 1, pin 2, pin 3, pin 4 and pin 7.

Step 7: Connecting 6th Led

Insert the 6th LED on the breadboard with its anode connected to pin 10 and cathode connected to the negative rail of the breadboard.

Step 8: Then Earth the Negative Terminal of the Bread Board.

Step 9: Connecting Wires

Then connect a wire to pin 14 of the breadboard and leave the other end of the wire open (naked).

Step 10: Connect 9v Battery Clip to the 9v Battery

Step 11: Connecting Power Supply

And insert the power supply on the breadboard

Step 12: Generating Random Numbers

There are 6 LED’s and each LED corresponds to one number on the dice respectively.

So, whenever we touch the open wire the biasing of the number starts and LEDs shuffle.

Step 13: Stop Shuffling by Removing Finger

And when we remove our hand from the wire one number corresponding to the dice will appear, seems nice right.

Step 14: Got the Number "6"

As shown we got the number 6.

Step 15: Conclusion

The electronic Dice is the best playful automated and technology-oriented circuit, it uses IC 4017 that corresponds to the signal when the user touches it and presents the output to us in the emitting form of LED.