Introduction: Electronic Security Code Lock System
Hi friends, This is a video for testing operations, your comments and suggestions are very helpful for next version of this system. If you have any idea we can work together for developing system. Here you can get information about hardware configuration, user operations and silent operations.
- Mail: arshad.pathan(at)
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Hardware Configuration:
- 16 x 2 LCD User interface display
- Password Input by 4 x 3 keyboard matrix with 0-9,* and # keys are in use
- Stepper motor is connected for locking and unlocking operations.
- There is an option for Relay, Servo Motor, DC Motor or Electro Magnet also.
- There is a green and red light indication.
- If door is locked red led will on, or on unlock green will on.
- Buzzer indication for errors and ok states
User Operation:
- For first time default password is 1234 then user can it by new password.
- Enter correct password for unlocking operation.
- System will gives error message for each wrong operation.
- Only unlock on correct password.
- User can change password by pressing 9999.
- It will ask for current password,
- If it is ok then ask for new password, then display it for 2 second.
- User can lock door any time by pressing * (Star) button.
- In door unlock mode as well as in password change mode.
Silent Operation:
- On system starts, stepper motor will find the home position using lever switch
- It will getting input from external lever switch
- When get input from lever switch, it will conform home position.
- In home position door is in lock mode.
- Stepper motor is in release mode (power off mode) after each operation.
- This operation is helpful for power saving.
- Password will save in microcontroller memory.
- In power off condition circuit will remember password without any battery backup.
- When door is unlocked and user will press * then it will give message for already unlocked condition.
Thanks for your attention.
- Mail: arshad.pathan(at)
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Hardware Configuration:
- 16 x 2 LCD User interface display
- Password Input by 4 x 3 keyboard matrix with 0-9,* and # keys are in use
- Stepper motor is connected for locking and unlocking operations.
- There is an option for Relay, Servo Motor, DC Motor or Electro Magnet also.
- There is a green and red light indication.
- If door is locked red led will on, or on unlock green will on.
- Buzzer indication for errors and ok states
User Operation:
- For first time default password is 1234 then user can it by new password.
- Enter correct password for unlocking operation.
- System will gives error message for each wrong operation.
- Only unlock on correct password.
- User can change password by pressing 9999.
- It will ask for current password,
- If it is ok then ask for new password, then display it for 2 second.
- User can lock door any time by pressing * (Star) button.
- In door unlock mode as well as in password change mode.
Silent Operation:
- On system starts, stepper motor will find the home position using lever switch
- It will getting input from external lever switch
- When get input from lever switch, it will conform home position.
- In home position door is in lock mode.
- Stepper motor is in release mode (power off mode) after each operation.
- This operation is helpful for power saving.
- Password will save in microcontroller memory.
- In power off condition circuit will remember password without any battery backup.
- When door is unlocked and user will press * then it will give message for already unlocked condition.
Thanks for your attention.