Introduction: Electrostatic Polarity Detector
The Electrostatic Polarity Detector is a device that indicates the polarity of electrical charge in its vicinity. The detector is configured so that the red LED lights up when a nearby object is negatively charged. The blue LED is conversely triggered when there is a positively charged object close by.
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
- Soldering Iron
- (2) 100 ohm resistors
- (2) AA batteries
- Plastic container w/lid
- Wires
- Circuit chip
- 1 red & 1 blue LED
- Hot glue gun
- Plastic tubing
- (2) Push buttons
Step 2: Follow Directions
1.) Begin by cutting a hole at the top of the plastic container. Then cut the plastic tubing to the desired lengths to form the frame of the device, and attach the sides of the plastic tubing using the hot glue gun.
2.) Use soldering iron to attach the push-buttons to the circuit chip. Then solder the other side of the chip to the LED's and then to the resistors . Pull the resistors up and solder the other end onto the top prongs of the chip.
3.) Solder two separate pieces of wire onto the tops of the push-buttons. The Wires on the battery holsters are also solder directly onto the push-buttons as well.
4.) Place the batteries in the holsters into the center of the device and secure using hot glue. The entire device can now be placed back into the plastic container and then closed.
Step 3: Final Product
Now that the final device has been created, use pieces of tape to test your device to ensure that the detector is working and displaying accurate results. You are now free to use the final electrostatic polarity detector!