Introduction: Elegant Soutache Hair Clip

About: I like to create fantastic jewelry !!!

In this Instructable, I teach you how to embroider Soutache Fibers to make a splendid crystal Hair Clip.

A very meticulous technique which consists in using trimmings to embellish precious or semi-precious materials to create fabulous jewels. It was once used to decorate military jackets.

I show you all the necessary equipment and where to buy it, even for a non-expert person. As well as the Soutache Fiber technique, seen step by step to make this Hair Clip.

Thanks to this technique, I discovered a real passion. That is to say, working the textile fibers in all their forms and adapting them to several supports to make magnificent jewels.

You can find out how to highlight soutache fibers on my shop --->


Materials Used:

- Soutache fibers in nylon 3mm: 3 cords in nylon of different colors (golden, burgundy, coral) and 1 metallized cord (gold).

- Nylon to sew the fibers 0,10

- Pearl sewing needles, Nb 10/13.

- Scissors

- Gold support for Hair Clip

- Liquid glue

- Multi-purpose glue

- 1 piece of thick cloth or felt (brown)

- 1 flat mother-of-pearl to put in the center

- Small seed beads (burgundy)

- 2 Domed beads (orange)

- 4 Medium size faceted beads (yellow)

- 4 Medium size rond beads (brown)

- 2 Faceted crystal beads in the shape of a drop

Step 1: Preparation of Material

We can start the hair clip after listing all the items above.

Step 2: The Central Bead - First Part

Put the nylon thread through the needle to sew 3 soutache cords together.

Give them a slightly rounded shape.

Secure the flat bead by passing the needle from one side of its hole to the other.

Stop halfway through the round bead.

Step 3: The Central Bead - Second Part

Do the same at the bottom of the central bead.

Then unite the ropes from below with those from above.

And sew a small seed bead at the junction of the soutache strings.

Becarefull, the mettalized soutache strings are very brittle.

Step 4: Sew a Series of Small Seed Beads

Sew the seed beads up to half of the round bead, folding the soutache strings over themselves.

Step 5: Unification of Seed Beads

Repeat another series of seed beads to join the ones before. Then sew the soutache strings together.

Step 6: Reproduce Symmetry

Repeat the same operation symmetrically at the bottom of the central bead. Then unify the soutache strings.

Step 7: The Finish Behind

Thread the faceted beads with the needle and form a flap at the back of the center piece.

Add a small drop of liquid glue to the place where you want to cut the soutache strings.

Join the 2 ends by laying them together for more resistance.

Step 8: Symmetry

Repeat the same operation on the opposite side.

Liquid glue helps prevent fraying soutache strings, which are made up of several small fibers coiled together.

Step 9: Embellish the Central Pearl

Add the round domed beads on each side.

Step 10: Sew the Beads in the Shape of a Dome.

Take 3 cords of soutache to sew around the dome-shaped bead.

Give them a rounded shape.

Go from one side of the perforated bead to the other to secure it.

Then join the 2 ends. Add a round bead on each side and unite the soutache strings together behind the jewel.

Remember to apply liquid glue before cutting the soutache strings. Then sew them together.

Step 11: Embellish a Crystal Drop

Sew 3 soutache cords around the crystal drop, then unify them.

Place a small drop of glue very close to the junction and then cut when dry.

Step 12: Two Copies

Repeat this step a second time by making the same pieces.

Step 13: Widen a Piece

I found the pieces previously made too thin compared to the central piece of the bar.

So I decided to widen these pieces with the dome-shaped bead, adding 2 strings of soutache around.

Repeat the operation 2 times obviously.

Step 14: Assembling the Pieces

You can now arrange the different pieces in their place to understand how to attach them together.
Check that each piece is identical to the other for perfect symmetry.

Sew these 2 pieces together. Use the needle to sew them together. First, join them only on the rear part and then by passing on either side of the jewel.

Step 15: Assembly on the Central Piece

When these 2 symmetrical pieces are tied together, you can sew them on each side of the center piece of the hair clip.

Step 16: Fix the Felt

Cut a round piece of felt using a piece the same size as the flat round bead.

Then stick with multi-purpose glue.

Step 17: Attach the Hair Clip Holder

Place the glue previously used on the hair clip then fix it on the central piece made of soutache. Press hard for a few minutes.

To prevent it from coming off, pass your needle and your nylon thread through the side holes of the hair clip, on either side of the hair jewelry.
Everything is now resistant and ready to use.

Step 18: The Grand Finale

Your hair clip is finally finished !!!

You have a real hair jewelry made by yourself in soutache fibers. Elegant and very light. You will be resplendent !!!

You can discover all my Soutache Jewelry in my shop:

Have a Good Instructable !!!