Introduction: Elephant Laser Phonestand

This is a phone stand for elephant lovers. Cute little elephants holding up your phone with their tiny trunks.

Step 1: Draw Elephants

Draw 2 elephants. For the second elephant make the legs 0.115 inches longer. I drew mine on Autodesk Inventor and then converted it to AutoCad 2015.

Step 2: Laser Printer

Print your elephants out on a laser printer. Print out 2 of each. 2 big ones and 2 small ones.

Step 3: Make a Base

Make a base on Auto Cad.

Step 4: Laser Printer

Print out the base on a laser printer. Print out only 1.

Step 5: Enjoy

Glue the 4 pieces of elephants. One elephant glued to another elephant. Once you the glue has dried out just snap the legs to the base :)

Wood Contest

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Wood Contest

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