Introduction: Elephant-Vac
Transform a vacuum cleaner into an elephant.
With this vacuum cleaner, you need no longer to vacuum by yourself!
Every visitor will beg to use it. Perhaps he even pays for it.
And you have enough time to read "Tom Sawyer" ;)
Step 1: The Frame
I made a frame out of wood that fits good but not perfect on the vac.
I covered the corners of the vac with aluminum foil and filled the corners with hot glue.
Step 2: The Cage
I glued more little boards on the frame to make a cage
On the back I removed a piece, so the cable can slip in.
Step 3: Forming an Elephant
I glued veneer strips on the cage with hot glue.
I tried my best, it should look like an elphant, but I am not very good in modelling.
Step 4: How the Switch Work
The idea was, to turn the tusks to put the vac on and off.
Two long dowels go from the front to the back.
Guideways hold them in place.
A wooden finger on the dowels presses the button if the dowel turns.
Step 5: Making Tusks
The tusks were modeled on a band sander, finished by hand and glued on the dowels.
Step 6: The Skin
The skin was made with 3 layers of paper mache.
Step 7: The Feet
I didn't want flat feet. So, I covered a balloon with paper mache. After the glue was dry, I cut disks out and glued them on the feet.
Step 8: Ears and Eyes
The ears are made of 3 layers of paper.
To make the eyes, I put a drop of epoxy into a washer on black paper.
For some decorations, I printed colorful mandalas on my printer, cut it out and glued it on the elephant.
Step 9: The Result
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