Introduction: Emodino

Emodino is a trivia game that helps autistic children to learn to express themselves in a fun way and without pressure.

The game has a determining educational function, since it is the first source of learning in the first ages, the child learns to control and understand their physical and social environment, causing cognitive processes to be stimulated and becoming increasingly complex, since who gradually learn concepts of causal relationships, learn to discriminate, establish judgments, analyze, synthesize, imagine formulating questions and solving problems.

Visual Supports are "things we see that favor the process of communication." People with ASD are "visual thinkers," so we must favor the visual path. Facilitate the perception of contingencies through different markers that will cause an anticipation of the situation. It implies an understanding of the cause and effect that affects the student in a favorable way, since it gives him a sense of security and confidence, reducing possible behavioral problems due to the unpredictability of the environment. The way to present pictogram / photo / real object responds to the objective of achieving, in the long term, that the child associates the pictogram with the situation that is anticipated. The game, together with the movement, are vital expressions of the human being.

Both are present from the beginning of life and allow relationships with the environment and with others, from the body, totalizing entity and effective presence of personal availability. In every child's game the free search appears, the intelligent resolution of situations, the satisfaction of a need to know and integrate.

Let's do an EMODINO !


To start with emodino we will need the following materials:

  • Dm plate (top cover, bottom cover, buttons and walls)
  • Arduino nano ( board and males)
  • Push buttons
  • Cable
  • Vinyl stencil to paint
  • Paint

Here the file with the profile to be cut with laser.

Step 2: Cut, Cut, Cut....

Cut 7 feelings with laser on the wood. (A7 pin) Fear, (A6 pin) anger, (A5 pin) surprise, (A4 pin) disgust, (A3 pin) sadness, (A2 pin) neutrality and (A1 pin) happiness.

Also cut the palette (top and bottom and contours several times to make the walls.) The set will be the container box. We will put together everything with thermoglue.

Step 3: Connect Everything

Connect each button with its resistance, ground, 5v and its respective pin.

Be careful that the cables are long enough to reach their place.


Program the palette and the screen with which you will interact.


Serial myPort;
String val;
PImage[] pes = new PImage[25];
PImage[] bes = new PImage[6];
void image() {
for ( int i = 0; i< pes.length; i++ )
pes[i] = loadImage("p"+ i + ".png" );
for ( int e = 0; e< bes.length; e++ )
bes[e] = loadImage("b"+ e + ".png" );
void setup() {
String portName = Serial.list()[4];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
size (displayWidth, displayHeight);
void img(){
image(pes[(int)random(25)], 0, 0, width, height);
void draw() {
if (keyPressed== true){
if ( myPort.available() > 0) {
val = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (val=="1") {
image(bes[0], 0, 0, width, height);
if (val=="2") {
image(bes[1], 0, 0, width, height);
if (val=="3") {
image(bes[2], 0, 0, width, height);
if (val=="4") {
image(bes[3], 0, 0, width, height);
if (val=="5") {
image(bes[4], 0, 0, width, height);
if (val=="6") {
image(bes[5], 0, 0, width, height);
if (val=="7") {
image(bes[6], 0, 0, width, height);


int b1 = 2;
int b2 = 3; int b3 = 4; int b4 = 5; int b5 = 6; int b6 = 7; int b7 = 8;
int be1 = 0; int be2 = 0; int be3 = 0; int be4 = 0; int be5 = 0; int be6 = 0; int be7 = 0;
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600);
pinMode(b1, INPUT); pinMode(b2, INPUT); pinMode(b3, INPUT); pinMode(b4, INPUT); pinMode(b5, INPUT); pinMode(b6, INPUT); pinMode(b7, INPUT); }
void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: be1 = digitalRead(b1); be2 = digitalRead(b2); be3 = digitalRead(b3); be4 = digitalRead(b4); be5 = digitalRead(b5); be6 = digitalRead(b6); be7 = digitalRead(b7);
if (be1 == HIGH) { Serial.println("1"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100);
} else if (be2 == HIGH) { Serial.println("2"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }
else if (be3 == HIGH) { Serial.println("3"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }
else if (be4 == HIGH) { Serial.println("4"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }
else if (be5 == HIGH) { Serial.println("5"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }
else if (be6 == HIGH) { Serial.println("6"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }
else if (be7== HIGH) { Serial.println("7"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }
else { Serial.println("0"); Serial.println("\n"); delay(100); }


Don't forget to add photos to your library without folders!

Step 5: BUILD IT

Put each button with your respective emotion and put them in the base with glue, then cover it with the top wood part.

Step 6: You Already Have It

Connect the screen and Emodino and start playing!