Introduction: Escape Room Arduino

This project is about creating an escape room prototype, using arduino por electronical components, an basic knowledege of its coding.

This escape room will have 5 phases to cover:(It can be different for everyone)

1. Preassure sensor - LED
Once you step into the room, the first led will light up showing the first clue. This one will lead you to find a little flashlight, with that , you’ll shine the light on the spider.

2. Light sensor - LED
The spider has a photoresistor, and once it senses light directly, another led will turn on, showing another clue, and leading to another action, serving water to the “BOSS”.

3. Water sensor - LED UV
Under the table there’s a water sensor, and when you pour water into the cup, it will detect it, and turn on the UV led, and turn off the first led, to show a hidden message. This message will guide you to the chair, and you’ll have to turn it around.

4. Potentiometer - LED
The chair is connected to a potenciometer, so when you turn it 180º, the led behind the window will turn on, and the message on it, will reveal itself, suggesting to find the bloody hand drown on the wall.

5. Push button - Servo
When you find the hand, you’ll see a button, and once you press it, it will activate the servomotor, opening the exit door.


DM board


Plack Paint

Red paint

Little flashlight

Tin to weld

Insulating tape

Bread board


Preassure sensor



Water sensor




4 Resistors 220 Ohms

3 Resistors 10K Ohms


Step 1: Base Structure

Two boxes, to create false walls, and floor, so that there would be space to hide the cables, the breadboard, and the arduino.

The floor made from a DM board, and walls from card board.

Make holes in the walls and floor of the little box, in specific places, the most convenient ones to make the cables go through.

Step 2: Organize Prototype

Design decorations, and specify the clues we’ll leave aroud the escape room.

Step 3: CODE

Write your code, for each phase of the escape room, and put them all together.

Our code will be attached as a file.

Step 4: Cabling Test

Test the cabling on a test board, each phase of the code separately.

This is the perfect way to know for sure that the code is correct, and you know how to wire things togrther.

Use tinkercad if something doesn't work, to know if the problem is the code, or one of the components.

Step 5: Welding All the Components

Put together all the cabling, welding with tin to make them loger, and add it to the prototype, making sure eveything works.

Step 6: Make It Pretty

Add final decorational elements.