Introduction: Warm Floor Control With Node-red Smart Home Esp8266
you will need:
- esp8266 - 1 pcs
- power adapter 220-12V - 1pcs
- power converter(DC-DC (mini360)) - 1 pcs
- wire connectors(Due Point) -
- relay 12V - 1*(electronic water valve pcs) pcs
- electronic water valve or thermal valve - 1*(quantity of warm circles of warm floor)
- any device with android 5.0 and greather, or raspberri PI or Windows(for node-red)
Step 1: Link Together
Take power adapter - link them to mini360,then link it to esp8266(only throw dc-dc converter,otherwise you can burn it.
install driver for PC:
connect esp8266 to pc via micro USB cable.
download nodeMCU flasher:
download bin files:
after downloading the archive from google disk, there will be two files inside. m_IoTManager.ino.generic.bin and m_IoTManager.spiffs.bin
In the “nodemcu-flasher-master” folder there are 2 Win64 and Win32 folders, and depending on what bit depth on your OS, select the one you need. Next, in the Release folder, run "ESP8266Flasher.exe" and see the program interface.
The m_IoTManager.ino.generic.bin file needs to be flashed to the address 0x000000, the m_IoTManager.spiffs.bin file needs to be flashed to the 0x300000 device address as in the screenshot
Step 2: Connect to Wifi Network
after flashing you need to connect this device to you network,
take your phone, open wifi, find something like "ESP_dev_001" and connect to it.
password 12345678
enter adress
open "connection wifi"
find your network.
Step 3: Connect This Device to Your Network
so after connection you will need to find your device connected in your router.
frequently IP adress of router is (
exclude another devices by time of connections.
go to the main page of you device and setup pins, emails,eth...
Step 4: Setup Your Device
makes setup like email, pins
Step 5: Setup Node-red on Android Tv Box,windows,phone
if you have android:
go to play market and setup termux
after this step complete go to page
if you dont want to autostart or reboot device omit this step.
to autostart(without termux bootup) install e-Robot
reboot.xml and start.xml - files witch conatins instruction for E-robot to start.
Step 6:
import in node-red and setup flows.
make attention on IP adress of your device.
in my network this is
in you may be different.
go to the main page of node-red server
insert this in your node
add ui in the end of the page
now you have fully autmatic warm floor!