Introduction: Essential Oil Winter Sugar Scrub
Please enjoy my totorial on my homemade Essential Oil Winter Sugar Scrub
Step 1: Getting the Ingredients
You will need 1/3cup coconut oil, 1cup suguar, blue food coloring (optional), and mint essential oil.
Step 2: Making the Scrub
First microwave the coconut oil until you have a smooth liquid consistancy. Next add the sugar and stir till you have something like a paste. Add the blue food coloring, and essential oil, and stir.
There you have it a essential oil winter sugar scrub!
Step 3: Adding the Extras
Ok so this last step is optional, so if you have already finished the last few steps your done and do NOT have to do this part. Anyways all you realy need to do to make this scrub "wintery" is add the blue food coloring, essential oil, and stir.
There you have it a essential oil winter sugar scrub!