Introduction: Etch-a-Sketch - W/Arduino & Processing

About: Retired Math teacher who needs a hobby! So I tinker with stuff: Arduino, welding, my 1958 TR-3 , my tennis serve
I did this one to help learn about Processing and how it integrates with Arduino. 

Basically what I have is this:

An Arduino  Duemilenova which is housed in an old band safe deposit box.   The Arduino has 2 potentiometers attached to it.  One represents the x axis and the other the y axis coordinates.   I glued some red plumbing values handles  to the pots .  As one turns the pots, the output   goes to the analog pins 0 and 1 .  This is mapped to a value between 0 - 1023 for the x and y coordinates.

Then it is sent as a serial stream to the laptop which has a Processing sketch running.  Physically there is a USB cable connecting the Arduino and the laptop.

This sketch maps the 0-1023 to a position on the screen and plots a point there.

BUT things are not that simple for this project;

I added 3 switches to the Arduino
1. -  to allow the drawing to take place.  By turning this off, one can move the point where drawing will begin.  Sketches can be seperated.

2. to clear the screen .  Must be careful when hitting this switch as it will erase the screen.

3. to allow for a change of color.  A table of color selections comes up. By pressing the correct button on the keyboard, one can change the color.

Each of these switches sends a unique character in the serial stream when they are activated.

The Processing sketch also looks for these characters and reacts accordingly.

 Also I played around with the screen size for my laptop which caused some code changes.

The code I have used is below:  First the Arduino code and then the Processing code.  Both the Arduino and Processinmg code started with a copy from someone else which I acknowledge in the comments .   The Ardiuno is pretty simple with the pots going to analog pins 0 and 1 and each switch goes to a digital pin, either 3,5 or 7.

The Processing code is heavily modified by me to get the colors options .


 * Etch-a-Sketch_wswitches
 * A simple program to read two potentiometers connected to analog 0 and 1, interpret them as an ordered pair (x,y)
 * and send them via serial to the computer
 * based on Graph:
 * 7/2011 - modified by cdubois

#include <Stdio.h>

// for pots
int xCoord;
int yCoord;
char coords[10];

// for switches
// variables for input pin and control LED
// input 7 is to clear screen
// input 3 is to begin drawing again
// input 5 is to change color
int digitalInput3 = 3;  // draw
int digitalInput5 = 5;  // change color
int digitalInput7 = 7;  // clear
  int LEDpin = 13;
// variable to store the value
int value3 = '0';
int value5 = '0';
int value7 = '0';

void setup()
  // declare pin modes

void loop()
  // read the value on digital input
  value3 = digitalRead(3);
  // write this value to the control LED pin
  // switch to draw  is checked
  // if the value6 is high then send the letter "Y" else send "N"
 // Serial.print(value3);
   if (value3 ){
    Serial.print("Y," );
  Serial.print("N," );

 // switch to change color  is checked
  // if the value6 is high then send the letter "E" else send "N"
 value5 = digitalRead(5);
   if (value5 ){
    Serial.print("E," );
  Serial.print("N," );

 value7 = digitalRead(7);
  // switch to clear screen is checked
 // Serial.print (value7);
  if (value7  ){
  Serial.print("C," );
  Serial.print("L," );
  xCoord = analogRead(0);
  yCoord = analogRead(1);
  sprintf(coords, "%d,%d", xCoord, yCoord);
//  delay(5);


Processing Code

// Etch-a-Sketch10
// by Trevor Shannon
// based on Graph
// by David A. Mellis
//   modified by cdubois 7/2011

import processing.serial.*;

Serial port;
String buff = "";
String buff1 = "";
String buff2 = "";
String buff0 = "";
String clearScreen = "NO";
String stopDraw = "NO";
String newColor = "NO";
String moveit = "NO";
String stopit = "NO";
String firsttime = "YES";
char c  = 'H';  // test for clearing
char d = 'H'; // test for drawing
int x = 0;
int y = 0;

int oldx = 0;
int oldy = 0;
int a = 0;

int index = 0;
int NEWLINE = 10;

// Store the last 10 values received so we can graph them.
int[] valuesx = new int[10];
int[] valuesy = new int[10];

 // variables for color
color backg = color(0, 0, 0);
color lines = color(348,90,90);

void setup()
  port = new Serial(this, "COM5", 9600);  
  // If you know the name of the port used by the Arduino board, you
  // can specify it directly like this.
  //port = new Serial(this, "COM1", 9600);
background(backg) ;

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------

void draw()
  while  (port.available() > 0)

// ----------------------------------------------------------
//  Functions
// =========================================================
// ===========================================================
 void selectcol()
  if  (newColor == "YES") {
 PFont font;
   font = loadFont("Serif.plain-16.vlw");
text("Select a Color", 25, 25);
text("Red  - press R", 25, 45);

text("Orange - press O", 25, 65);

text("Yellow  - press Y", 25, 85);

text("Green - press G", 25, 105);

text("Blue - press B", 25, 125);
  else {
    PFont font;
   font = loadFont("Serif.plain-16.vlw");
  text("Select a Color", 25, 25);
text("Red  - press R", 25, 45);
text("Orange - press O", 25, 65);
text("Yellow  - press Y", 25, 85);
text("Green - press G", 25, 105);
text("Blue - press B", 25, 125);
 // ============================================================
 // ============================================================
 // ============================================================

 // ============================================================
 // ============================================================
 // ============================================================
 // now have turned pots so want to draw lines
 void drawlines() {
  if  (stopit == "NO")  {
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
 // point(x,y);
line(1023 - valuesx[i], 512 - valuesy[i], 1023-valuesx[i + 1], 512 - valuesy[i + 1]);

// ===============================================================
// ==============================================================

void serialEvent(int serial)
  if (serial != NEWLINE) {
    // Store all the characters on the line.
    buff += char(serial);
  else {
    // The end of each line is marked by two characters, a carriage
    // return and a newline.  We're here because we've gotten a newline,
    // but we still need to strip off the carriage return.
    buff = buff.substring(0, buff.length()-1);
    String[] list = split(buff, ',');
     // read the string
     // if the clear screen button was pressed, a "C" will be in
     // the 4th character position
   char c  = buff.charAt(4);
   // if no longer want to draw, an "N" will be in the first position
   char d  = buff.charAt(0);
   // if want to erase, an "E" will be in 2nd char postion
   char e = buff.charAt(2);
     buff1 = list[3];
    buff2 = list[4];
   // have seen a N so need to stop drawing
      if (d  == 'N') {
       stopDraw  = "YES";
        stopDraw = "NO";
  // Clear the screen
  // have seen a C so need to clear as soon as possible  
      if (c  == 'C') {
       clearScreen = "YES";
        clearScreen = "NO";
 // change colors
 // have seen an E so need  to put text in corner
 // and wait for selection
      if (e  == 'E') {
       newColor = "YES";
        newColor  = "NO";
    // Parse the String into an integer.  We divide by 4 because
    // analog inputs go from 0 to 1023 while colors in Processing
    // only go from 0 to 255.
      x = Integer.parseInt(buff1)/1;
      y = Integer.parseInt(buff2)/2;


    // Clear the value of "buff"
     buff = "";
    // create an array of ten points for the line  
     for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
      valuesx[i] = valuesx[i + 1];
      valuesy[i] = valuesy[i + 1];
 //    Add the received value to the array.
    valuesx[9] = x;
    valuesy[9] = y;


 //  ================================================
 // -------------------------------------------------  
 void movecursor()
// want to move to different spot
 // so want to move point but want it to dissappear as it moves
 if((stopit == "YES")&&(moveit == "YES")) {
   // erase old point
    if(a >0)  {
    point(oldx ,oldy );
 // for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
    point(1023 - x ,512 - y );  
    // save location to be erased next time
    oldx = 1023 - x;
    oldy = 512 - y;

 //  ================================================
 // -------------------------------------------------  
 void checkswitches()
// now it is time to test   switch changes
 if ((stopDraw == "YES")&& (clearScreen == "YES")) {
     stopit = "YES";
    // Could get here if stopDraw switch is on but not clearScreen
    // ie just want to move the positioning without drawing
  if ((stopDraw == "YES") && (clearScreen == "NO")) {  
    stopit = "YES";
    moveit = "YES";
  // if stopdraw not switched , then do nothing
if  (stopDraw == "NO") {
  stopit = "NO";
  moveit = "NO";

 //  ================================================
 // -------------------------------------------------  
  //  ================================================
 // -------------------------------------------------  
 void keyPressed()
   // red
    if (key == 'r' || key == 'R') {
        lines = color(348,90,90);
   // orange
    if (key == 'o' || key == 'O') {
        lines = color(237,151,12);
    // yellow
    if (key == 'y' || key == 'Y') {
        lines = color(236,237,12);
    // green
    if (key == 'g' || key == 'G') {
        lines = color(12,237,28);
    // blue
    if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
        lines = color(12,47,237);

 A short video of it in action follows:

USB Contest

Participated in the
USB Contest