Introduction: Evil Dead Chainsaw

This is the chainsaw arm that I made for my Ash Williams costume this Halloween.  This is my first Instructable, so this may not be smooth flowing or the best pictures. 

What you will need:

Sheet metal
Alumminum bar
Plumbing Clamp?
5/16 Nuts and Bolts

Metal cutters
Raw Strength

I would like to give credit to Nick Valenza, for the basis of my design.

Step 1: Get Yourself a Chainsaw

First thing is to get yourself a chainsaw.  I went a little more authentic to the movie and got a Homelite XL off of Ebay.  Before you ask, I didn't ruin a working chainsaw, it was being sold for parts. Perfect.

Step 2: Ex-motor

The second step is to completely remove the insides. 

Remove the case screws and set aside, you will need these later.

Several of the parts, including the motor, are attached with screws.  Find these and the motor will pop right out.

Step 3: Re-handling

Now you will need to remove the original handle to make room for the new one we will be making.  I also switched the side handle upside down, which was easier and a time saving step.

While cutting pieces out, cut the oil and gas tanks down to just enough to still be held in place.  The more room for your hand now the better.

Step 4: Re-Handling Part 2

Take your sheet metal and cut and bend to the shape you need, be sure to leave extra, you will need to secure it.  I used one bolt on the front as the main securer, the other spot is with one of the case screws.

Step 5: Handle Finishing

At this point, it is time to build the actual handle.  Take the alumminum bar and bend it into shape.  I would imagine a vise would be great for this, but I do not have one, so I bent it by hand.  Once in the right shape, drill 3 holes to fasten it to the sheet metal with 2 bolts.  The third hole comes into play in a later step.

Step 6: Do It Now!

I did these parts later in the process, but it would have been so much easier to do this now.  In order to support the chain and bar of the saw, take and bend a piece of alumminum bar inside and bolt ino place.  I also looped the chain around another bolt on the support as to keep the chain taut on the bar. 

I didn't get a picture of this, but I put a wooden dowel inside for something to hold onto, and bolted it in place.

Step 7: Arm Support

I would call it an arm support, but it is also correct to the movie.  Cut a piece of alumminum and drill two holes through it.  Attach one side to the case and the other through the plumbing fixture.  On top attach the fixture to the third hole on the handle.

Step 8: Complete

It's almost done,   put the sides of the case together and attach with all the case screws.  I used some wood trim I have, and screwed on the handle, just to be movie accuarate.  Apply fake blood, and one Evil Dead chainsaw hand is complete.