Introduction: Exploding Matches of Doom (MacroHD VIDEO!)
In the instructable, I'm going to show you how to make an exploding match! It looks just like any ordinary match, lights like one, but goes BANG and shoots a gout of flame 3 inches long when lit.
The effect is somewhat delayed...see the video for a better understanding. The video Doesn't show the long flame-shot very well. It's also much louder and more spectacular in real life.
Look at this crazy photo... this is what 30fps of HD video can do.
The effect is somewhat delayed...see the video for a better understanding. The video Doesn't show the long flame-shot very well. It's also much louder and more spectacular in real life.
Look at this crazy photo... this is what 30fps of HD video can do.
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
You can get everything you need from wall*mart, or even a gas station.
1) A standard household match. Do not use strike-anywhere matches (unless you like "unauthorized pyrotechnic events'')
2) Tiny drill bit. A 1/16 will work best, but I couldn't find I used some unknown micro bit.
3) 1 single red pop-gun cap.
4) Something to remove the powder from the cap with. Like a pin, toothpick, or an X-acto.
1) A standard household match. Do not use strike-anywhere matches (unless you like "unauthorized pyrotechnic events'')
2) Tiny drill bit. A 1/16 will work best, but I couldn't find I used some unknown micro bit.
3) 1 single red pop-gun cap.
4) Something to remove the powder from the cap with. Like a pin, toothpick, or an X-acto.
Step 2: Prepare for the Drilling
Scratch the tip of the match until you have a flat surface to drill into. If you don't flatten the tip, it's harder to center the drill bit (you'll be drilling by hand).
Step 3: Drilling by Hand
Drill a hole about as deep as the red phosphor match tip is long. See the picture for a visual explanation.
Don't use powertools here, or you could hurt yourself. I once drill a 1/16 hole ALL THE WAY THROUGH MY FREAKIN THUMB when doing this with a Dremel.
Don't use powertools here, or you could hurt yourself. I once drill a 1/16 hole ALL THE WAY THROUGH MY FREAKIN THUMB when doing this with a Dremel.
Step 4: Empty Your Caps
Use something pointy to extract the powder. Some caps will fizzle when you do this. Expect it to happen, and don't do this around spilled gasoline...
One you get some unexploded powder from the cap, go to step 5!
One you get some unexploded powder from the cap, go to step 5!
Fill the match with the powder. After that, pack the hole TIGHT with soft cotton. If it's not packed tight enough, it will go WHUMP instead of BANG when you light it.
Now draw a frowning face on it, and watch the video on the first page.
Now draw a frowning face on it, and watch the video on the first page.