Introduction: F2000 Evolution

About: I ' m 12 and I French . I create crazy but small K'nex guns or something in K'nex ... I love Zelda on Wii or other warfare games . My best Kn'ex gun are : FFRS 001 ( Sligshot Sniper ) , V.G.N 013 ( Automatic A…
Hello !

So this is my first very big gun , a F2000 . I have foget the silencer , sorry ... And sorry for the quality of the pictures too , it's a bit dark :s .... 


- Look's awesome 
- It works good
- Removable mag
- Detachable sight
- Adaptable sight
- Trigger's easy


- Not very awesome range ....
- If you put a lot of rubberbands , it can hit you in your face ! ( That's not a jock ... )
- You need to used the gun three or four times  to reload in a short time ....

So , that's all ;) ! That's the end of the poor small gun for my !

( Next gun : PWD-R . You can see it on Battlefield 3 blogs )
