Introduction: FLICK BALL

A fun board game or online game that can be used to teach concepts of physics. This game can be made by hand if the players would prefer to make it, or can be played online for players that have to distance themselves or can not meet up with who they are playing with.




-Lumbar Wood with a thickness of 1”

-Roller Cutter (Alternative: Hobby Knife, Sharp Cutter)

-Cutting Mat (Alternative: Any surface with a soft vinyl layer)

-Green, White, Blue, Red, Yellow, and Brown Latex Paint (Alternative: Oil-based paint)

-Flat Paintbrush (Small Width)

-Flat Paintbrush (Large Width)

-10 pieces of 50 mm marbles

-Polyvinyl Acetate Glue (Alternative: Super Glue, Elmer’s Glue)

-30-inch ruler (Alternative: T-square, Meter stick)



-Lead Pencil



-Cut-resistant gloves

-Hand plane (Alternative: Sandpaper)

-Woodworking face shield

Step 1: Safety Precautions

Keep your tools sharp. Dull tools are dangerous as you will need to expend

more energy and apply more pressure when cutting, making the possibility of getting a cut greater. If you cannot sharpen the blade of the tool anymore, due to its small size, simply replace your blades.

When cutting, do not use just cut on any surface, as it may result do scratches on the surface. Use a self-healing mat, preferably a cutting mat or a surface with a soft vinyl layer as it is ‘self-healing’.

Whenever you cut, always make sure to stand up in order to put the weight into the cut. It is hard to gain any leverage when you are sitting and may result in a cutting accident.

If available, put on cut-resistant gloves and a woodworking face shield to ensure safety and practice caution.

Store materials and tools properly before, during, and after making the game, to keep it away from the hands of children and to ensure organization in your workspace.

Step 2: Step-by-step Assembly (field/board)

1.Using the rotary cutter (or any of the alternatives), cut a rectangle

2.measuring 22”x17” into the chip board. Set aside the remaining chipboard for later use.

3.If available, use a hand plane (or any of the alternatives) to smoothen the sides of the 22”x17” chipboard.

4.Lay the chipboard on a flat surface and proceed to use the flat paintbrush (large width) and green latex paint (or any of the alternatives) on the chipboard until the surface of the chipboard is painted green. Let it dry, and when done proceed to the next step.

5.On the four corners of the board, measure out 1” each with 45 degrees on all four corners and mark these with a lead pencil.

6.Using these marks as guides, use the lead pencil to connect them to
make a 20”x15” rectangle.

7.Using the ruler, measure out 10” across the length of the 20”x15” rectangle and mark the measurement using the lead pencil. Afterwards, proceed to use the lead pencil to make a line that bisects the chipboard into two equal parts.

Step 3: Step-by-step Assembly (field/board)

8.Using a ruler, measure out 7.5” across the width of the 20”x15” rectangle and mark it using the lead pencil. Afterwards, using the 7.5” mark as a guide, use the ruler to measure out 2” away from the border. Mark it using the lead pencil.

9.Using a protractor with a lead pencil as, place its needle on the 7.5” mark and the tip of the lead pencil at the 2” mark. Proceed to make a semi-circle.

10.Repeat steps 7 – 8 on the other side of the 20”x15” rectangle.

11.Use the flat paintbrush (small width) and the white latex paint (or any of the alternatives) to paint over all the lines that you drew on using the lead pencil.

Step 4: Sample Image of the Field/board

Step 5: Step-by-step Assembly (walls/boarders)

1.Using the saw, cut out four 9” x1.5” pieces from the lumbar wood. Afterwards, cut two 20”x1.5” pieces from the lumbar wood.

2.Using the Polyvinyl Acetate Glue, join together one piece of the 20”x1.5” lumbar wood with two pieces of the 9” x1.5” lumbar wood to create a wall piece. Use the picture below as your guide.

3.Proceed to use the flat paintbrush (small width) and brown latex paint (or any of the alternatives) to paint the wall piece brown

4.Repeat steps 2 - 3 to create another wall piece using the remaining
9”x1.5” piece and 20”x1.5” piece.

5.Apply Polyvinyl Acetate Glue to the bottom of the wall piece and carefully place it on the board that you made earlier.

Step 6: Sample Image of Boarders/walls

Step 7: Step-by-step (Goal)

1.Using the rotary cutter (or any other alternatives) cut two 4” pieces of from the remaining chipboard. Afterwards, cut dour 1” pieces from the remining chipboard.

2.Using the Polyvinyl Acetate Glue, join together one of the 4” piece and 2 of the 1” piece to form the goal.

3.Proceed to use the flat paintbrush (small width) and yellow latex paint (or any of the alternatives) to paint the goal yellow.

4.Using the Polyvinyl Acetate Glue, glue the 2 goals on the space
allotted at the game board.

Step 8: Sample Image of Boarders/walls With Goals

Step 9: Step-by-step (barricade)

1.Using the rotary cutter, cut 6 pieces measuring 0.5”x1.5” form thechipboard.

2.Proceed to use the flat paintbrush (small width) and white latex paint (or any of the alternatives) to paint the barricades white.

Step 10: Step-by-step (marbles)

1.Proceed to use the flat paintbrush (small width) and red latex paint (or any of the alternatives) to paint the 5 marbles from the 10 marbles.

2.Proceed to use the flat paintbrush (small width) and blue latex paint (or any of the alternatives) to paint the remaining marbles.

Step 11: Game Objective

The main objective of the game is to be able to flick all of the opponent’s balls into their respective goals.

The game ends when one player has no more of their colored marbles on the field.

Step 12: Gane Mechanics

1. Before the Game

a. Before the conduct of the game, players have 5 marbles and 3 barricades at their side of the board.

b.Before the start of the game, players will be asked to flip a coin to decide the sequence of turns and the color during the conduct of the game.

c.The players will begin by placing down their respective marbles on their side of the board.

d.Then after, the players can decide if they want to move the 3 barricades located at their side of the board to different positions. Players are not allowed to position their barricade around the goal.

e.When both players are done with their set-ups, only then can the game begin.

2.During the Game

a.Players will take turns to flick their own marbles to knock the opponent’s marbles, with intentions of scoring them into their opponent’s respective goal.

b.In the circumstance that a player flicks their own marble to the opponent’s goal, the player will be allowed to put that marble to any of the black spots located at their side of the board.

c.During the conduct of the game, there will be no moving of barricades.

d.Players are not allowed to pick up or throw their marbles. In the instance that a player breaks these 2 rules, they will have the option to either lose one marble or to give back one of the opponent’s marbles that was lost. When the opponent still has all 5 marbles on the board, the player who violated the rule will have to choose the former instead of the latter.

e.The game ends once all the marbles of one player are all flicked into their goals.

3.After the Game

a.The winner of the game is the player who still has 1 or more remaining marbles on the board.

b.The loser of the game is the player who has no more remaining marbles on the board.

c.In the circumstance that both players simultaneously lost all their marbles at the same time, it will be considered a tie