Introduction: Fastest Sled on a Hill

Fast. Strong. Beautiful. Unique.
Did I say Fast? Extremely Fast!

How do you steer? By weight shifting. 
How do you brake? You don't.
Brakes were invented by cowards.

This Extreme project is Extremely suited for the Extreme contest because your whole life would go Extremely fast before your eyes even if you close them bombing down that Extremely steep hill.

You can't buy anything like this but it's Extremely cheap and easy to build yourself.

Step 1: Parts & Materials

This particular sled is comfortable for two adults or one adult with two kids but building technology is easily adaptable for smaller or bigger designs. For the smaller and lighter one person sled two support arches is sufficient. Start designing with the skies. Shorter downhill skies are harder to find but cutting the long ones would probably compromise it's structural strength and shape.

You will need:

Pair of used downhill skies you can buy cheap at second hand store. Take off all bindings.

Piece of plywood for the seat. I used cushioned seat from the old automotive creeper. Be creative.

1-1/4" Gray PVC 90deg Elbow, Schedule 80 - 3 pc (Look for electrical conduit) 

1-1/4" PVC plug - 6 pc (look in plumbing, not all hardware stores have them)

1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/16 thick Aluminum Angle - 6" long - 6 pc

Various nuts and bolts.

Step 2: Support Structure

Drill holes in PVC plugs.

Cut and drill Aluminum angles.

Attach 45deg fittings to the PVC pipe and align them on a flat surface.

Drill Fittings and pipe in place. Bolt through.

Align and clamp aluminum angles to the PVC pipe and drill in place. Bolt together.

Align supports on a seat, drill and bolt together.

Step 3: Skies Assembly

Insert plugs into fittings.

Set assembled structure on a skies.

Seat down on top of it to flatten the flex in the skies.

Align at desired place. Mark skies around plugs.

Take the structure from the skies, take out the plugs.

Mount plugs at the marked spots with wood screws.

Attach structure to the skies, plugs into fittings.

Jump on the seat couple times so plugs would go all the way in.

Drill through Fittings and plugs from the side. Bolt through.

You sled is ready to ride but you can add some convenience to it.

Step 4: Final Touches

Get two insulated clamps from electrical department.

Drill skies at the tip and bolt through.

Cut and tie the rope through the clamps.

Now you can pull it up the hill.

You can glue some rubber patches for feet, home depot has them in automotive section.

I've also added headlights using couple of flashlights and plastic wire ties.

Done. You have the Fastest Sled on a Hill.

Think ahead before your ride.