Introduction: Faux Rusty Wall Light!

About: I am an artist, builder and teacher living in Japan.

This is the finished wall light and I LOVE how it looks!

I'm a huge fan of faux finishes and I'm going to show you a super easy way to create one.

Step 1: The Before!

The cheap out door wall light!

Step 2: The Texture!

Rust has a texture to it. To get this texture:

1. I took the light apart and removed the glass.

2. I primed it with a primer similar to Kilz.

3. I mixed a little joint compound and black paint together and painted the light twice.

*You can skip this part if you don't want the rust to look too grainy.

Step 3: The Faux Rust Finish!

For the faux rust finish:

1. Paint the base color. (prime if skipping the first grainy step)

*Mix just a little joint compound into the colors for an extra grainy look.

2. Dab on some yellow, orange and if you're fancy red. Let it dry.

3. Wipe on some antique medium with a rag and then wipe it off with a damp rag. Don't wipe too much off of the dab colors.

4. Add some base color over the dab colors. Let it dry.

5. Wipe on and then off more antique medium until you get what you're going for.

It's as easy as that.

Antique medium is also called, antique glaze, antique liquid or just glaze. It's probably called other stuff too.

*You can make it crackle with a heat gun.

Step 4: The Colors!

These colors are called emerald green, pumpkin orange and mustard yellow. The antique medium is brown.

Step 5: PVC Fittings!

These are PVC conduit fittings I bought in the lighting section of my local home center. I ended up running the wall light cord between bricks to an outlet. I didn't need these fittings, but thought they'd look cool.

I painted these the same way as the lamp, but skipped the first texture step.

Step 6: The Finished Fittings!

They turned out pretty cool! I added some joint compound to the brick wall around the fittings to make them appear like they were aways there.

Step 7: The Faux Rusty Wall Light!

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