Introduction: Field Marking Wheel

About: I'm a cheapskate. So I figure out how to make everything. From batting cages to tetherball courts. The more expensive the funner to make.

So the field line chalkers are too expensive to use for practice and baseball. So I made one to save money and easy for the kids to learn the field.

Step 1: Materials.

2 bucket lids
A length of gutter screen
1/4 inch threaded rod
1/4 inch hardware
3ft length of 1/2 EMT

Step 2: Prep

Drill holes in center is lids
Cut screen to wrap around and overlap a little bit.
Tie them together with small tie wraps
I taped it on the edges cause the screen was too large so I narrowed it to about 2 inches.

Step 3: Put It Together

Drill a 5/16 hole in the emt and in the lids.
Run the rod through and cut it to length
On the rod put a nut a washer emt a washer a nut then another nut and then another washer. Then sandwich one lid and put a washer and another nut. Tighten down then add powder and put the other lid and a washer and tighten down with a wing nut.

Step 4: Finished

Now go make lines for your kids to play baseball or whatever sport they want. Easy huh. And it was less then 10 bucks. (Patent pending)