Introduction: Fire-Breathing Dragon Cake!!
I first saw this idea in a children's Magazine and decided to make it for my younger brother's 5th Knight-themed birthday party. With 2 ordinary 9 inch cakes, frosting, and a few other easy to find candies, you can create a very realistic dragon!
Step 1: Supplies
You will need-
2 9-inch cakes
6 cups of frosting, your choice of colour (more or less, depending on how thick you like your icing.
8 Keebler chocolate covered graham crackers
8 Sunkist fruit gems
2 Sunkist fruit slices
2 Blue Fruit Roll-Ups
1 Red Fruit Roll-Up
1 Yellow Fruit Roll-Up
1 Marshmallow
2 Chocolate Chips
2 Hershey's Kisses
2 Wooden Skewers
You will want all of your fruit gems, slices, and icing to be all colour co-ordinated-I chose orange candies and yellow icing, but you can do what ever colours will match the plates or napkins you will have at the party.
2 9-inch cakes
6 cups of frosting, your choice of colour (more or less, depending on how thick you like your icing.
8 Keebler chocolate covered graham crackers
8 Sunkist fruit gems
2 Sunkist fruit slices
2 Blue Fruit Roll-Ups
1 Red Fruit Roll-Up
1 Yellow Fruit Roll-Up
1 Marshmallow
2 Chocolate Chips
2 Hershey's Kisses
2 Wooden Skewers
You will want all of your fruit gems, slices, and icing to be all colour co-ordinated-I chose orange candies and yellow icing, but you can do what ever colours will match the plates or napkins you will have at the party.
Step 2: Preparation
Take a serrated bread knife and cut the middle part out of all the rectangular crackers so that you have 2 triangular pieces out of each one. Next, slice all of the Fruit Gems in half.
Step 3: Assembly
Now, let's start assembling!
Take one of your 9 inch round cakes and slice it in half. Take your frosting and spread some on one half, then place the other half on top, and place the whole thing on a cardboard cake board or aluminum foil covered cardboard.
Next, you will cut up the remaining cake. The diagram below shows exactly how to do it. Don't worry if it isn't exact-you can always make a smallish piece bigger looking with icing. ;-)
Take one of your 9 inch round cakes and slice it in half. Take your frosting and spread some on one half, then place the other half on top, and place the whole thing on a cardboard cake board or aluminum foil covered cardboard.
Next, you will cut up the remaining cake. The diagram below shows exactly how to do it. Don't worry if it isn't exact-you can always make a smallish piece bigger looking with icing. ;-)
Step 4: Icing
Next, assemble the cake pieces according to the picture below, trimming any pieces if necessary.
Now, you will frost Mr. Dragon. I find that using a flat icing tip in your full icing bag works wonders on those difficult, moist and crummy parts, and once you've covered up the crumbs, you can use your spatula to smooth things over. This method keeps those crumbs from showing up in your icing.
Now, you will frost Mr. Dragon. I find that using a flat icing tip in your full icing bag works wonders on those difficult, moist and crummy parts, and once you've covered up the crumbs, you can use your spatula to smooth things over. This method keeps those crumbs from showing up in your icing.
Step 5: Decorate!!
Now, you will decorate the Dragon!
First, to make the Dragon look like he is scaly, use a child's marker cap to imprint the design onto the creamy frosting. Arrange the Graham crackers along his back and tail; place Fruit Gems and Slices on his toes and head. Press the Hershey's Kisses pointy side in onto the end of his snout, and cut the marshmallow in half and place the chocolate chips on top.
First, to make the Dragon look like he is scaly, use a child's marker cap to imprint the design onto the creamy frosting. Arrange the Graham crackers along his back and tail; place Fruit Gems and Slices on his toes and head. Press the Hershey's Kisses pointy side in onto the end of his snout, and cut the marshmallow in half and place the chocolate chips on top.
Step 6: Wings & Fire
To make his wings, you'll need a skewer and a blue fruit roll-up. Trim off a corner of the roll-up to keep them from looking too bulky, and after rolling it up the skewer, trim off the edges bat wing style. Repeat for other wing. Make sure not to stick these in until right before serving, because they are heavy and will sag over time.
For the fire, trim your yellow and red roll-ups into curvy, twisty pieces, and position near mouth.
And, there you have it!! ENJOY!!
For the fire, trim your yellow and red roll-ups into curvy, twisty pieces, and position near mouth.
And, there you have it!! ENJOY!!