Introduction: FireFly - a Knex Ball Machine

About: Um hi, you're cool Have a great day :3

Hi Everyone,

I'm a 13 years old boy from Ontario and I would like to show you my very first Knex Ball Machine. I built this Machine with the help of my little 11 years old brother without the help of any adults.

I have spent a lot of time designing and building this machine and finding solutions to make it work perfectly. It also took me quite some time to make this video, to take these picture and to write the instructions to help you build it on your side.

Please vote for me in this contest and I hope you enjoy it and will be able to build it with the help of these instructions.

Step 1: Video

this is my video

Step 2: Network 1 - Lift 1

The Ball lifts up in this small wheel

Step 3: Network 1 - Track Following Lift 1

The Ball exits Lift 1 into this track

Step 4: Network 1 - Path Leading to Lift 2

The ball follows this path leading to Lift 2

Step 5: Network 1 - Lift 2

The Ball lifts to the upper level in this "C" shape lift and exits the lift in a track leading to the Separator 1.

Step 6: Network 1 - Separator 1

The Ball falls into the Separator 1 which will lead to either Path 1 or Path 2 or Network 2

Step 7: Network 1 - Path 1

After the Separator 1, 50% of the time the Ball goes down a staircase, then follows a path leading to a wheel that will drop the ball on White Floor 1. The White Floor 1 will bring the Ball back to the beginning of Network 1/Lift 1.

Step 8: Network 1 - Path 2

After the Separator 1, 50% of the time the Ball follows a track leading to a 18.5 inches drop with clickers that will drop the Ball on White Floor 2. If the Ball falls at the end of White Floor 2 (I will explain in Step 9 what happens if the Ball falls into the hole of White Floor 2), it will follow an arm drop leading to White Floor 1. The White Floor 1 will bring the Ball back to the beginning of Network 1/Lift 1.

Step 9: Network 2

After the Separator 1, 50% of the time the Ball follows a track leading to a 18.5 inches drop with clickers (the same as in Step 8) that will drop the Ball on White Floor 2. If the Ball falls in the hole of White Floor 2 (instead of at the end of White Floor 2 like described in Step 8), it will follow a track leading to Network 2 - Lift 3.

Step 10: Network 2 - Infinity Switch Separator

At the top of Lift 3, the Ball falls into the Infinity Switch Separator that leads to either Path 3, Path 4, Path 5, Path 6 or Path 7.

Step 11: Network 2 - Path 3

After the Infinity Switch Separator, 20% of the time the Ball will fall into Path 3. Path 3 starts with a track leading to a 27 inches drop. After the drop, the ball follows a track to a swinging bridge that will then drop the ball into a small track leading to White Floor 1.

Step 12: Network 2 - Path 4

After the Infinity Switch Separator, 20% of the time the Ball will fall into Path 4. Path 4 starts with a track leading to a 27 inches drop (not the same drop as in Step 11, this is another drop). After the drop, the ball follows a track to a double arm drop and then falls onto White Floor 1.

Step 13: Network 2 - Path 5

After the Infinity Switch Separator, 20% of the time the Ball will fall into Path 5. Path 5 starts with a track leading to a tube track that performs a loop. After the loop the ball falls directly onto White Floor 1.

Step 14: Network 2 - Path 6

After the Infinity Switch Separator, 20% of the time the Ball will fall into Path 6. Path 6 is a 23 inches tunnel drop leading directly to White Floor 2.

Step 15: Network 2 - Path 7

After the Infinity Switch Separator, 20% of the time the Ball will fall into Path 7. Path 7 starts with a track leading to a 18 inches zig zag drop. After the zig zag drop, the ball follows a zig zag track leading to another track that will drop the ball into the wheel at the end of Path 1 (described in Step 7). This Wheel drops the ball on White Floor 1.

Step 16: The End

ok that is it for this instructable. i hope you like it and my 2nd ball machine is coming soon

Thank you.